Kovalenko E.Y., Shavandina O.A., Tydykovа N.V.
Russian-Asian Legal Journal,
цитирований: 0,
open access

The commercial nature of many areas of physical culture and sports necessitates the conclusion of civillaw contracts. In sports relations, where almost everything depends on the individual characteristics ofthe athlete, on the physiological and psychological qualities of his body, as well as on the uniqueness and specificity of a particular sport, the contract is a necessary and effective means of individual regulation,allowing to take into account the unique interests of any participant. sports relationship. As a result of theanalysis of civil legislation and theoretical aspects of the institution of protection of rights, the authorsconcluded that the protection of the rights and interests of the parties to a contractual obligation in anyarea of civil circulation, including in the field of physical culture and sports, is carried out by a wholesystem of measures aimed at ensuring the interests parties at all stages of the emergence and fulfillmentof obligations. This system is not limited only to measures of civil liability, but also consists of a set ofadditional ways to induce the debtor to properly perform duties and serve as a guarantee of ensuring theinterests of the creditor