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A Short History of the BPD/BPD-L Email List: November 1994–November 2020
Smith M.L., Marson S.M., Vernon B., Cogswell D., Rogers O.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2020, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The BPD listserv is 25 years old. Starting with just a handful of subscribers, the listserv currently has about 1,760 members. Most are actively engaged educators along with publishers, doctoral students, and others interested in baccalaureate social work education. The listserv has become a mainstay for providing a forum for sharing, research, and many other issues relevant to social work education and practice. This article provides the contexts, history, and stories that have transpired over the years and speculates about the listserv’s future.
Incorporating Trauma-Informed Educational Practice into the Baccalaureate Social Work Classroom
Radis B., Crocetto J., Beemer K.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2020, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
BSW students are often exposed to traumatic material in social work education programs. MSW programs have addressed this need by creating trauma-informed educational practice and curriculum for students. However, BSW students should be able to understand and recognize trauma to be competent, knowledgeable, and responsive in their generalist social work. This teaching note intends to inform and motivate BSW educators to consider integrating trauma-informed educational practices into their own teaching. First, we outline the importance of trauma-informed educational practice in social work education. Then, we illustrate the incorporation of this model specifically in the BSW classroom through sharing several classroom strategies that we use in our BSW classrooms. Two specific case vignettes are offered, and the importance of support for faculty to implement and continue to use these strategies is also addressed.
Empowering Online Undergraduate Social Work Students to Address Their Stress
McCarthy K.M.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2020, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Effective self-regulation is a critical aspect of social work. Unmanaged stress can impair a social worker’s effectiveness. BSW students must demonstrate the capacity for cognitive and affective self-regulation to graduate, yet they may be expected to develop these skills outside of their academic program. This article describes a pedagogical strategy for encouraging proactive stress management practices in BSW students during online theory and practice courses at a Midwest public university. Students completed weekly self-care quizzes, which required them to rate their stress, create a plan to reduce this stress, and assess their efforts. Students felt this activity helped them to reflect and take action while also strengthening their relationships with their online instructor. Although this effort was employed in the years prior to COVID-19, the relevance of encouraging active stress management in the time of the pandemic and widespread virtual learning has only increased.
Trauma-Informed Contemplative Pedagogy: Implications for Undergraduate Course Revision
Rhodes B.E.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
Trauma-informed care has garnered considerable attention over the last 2 decades as neuroscientists and scholars have examined the implications of early childhood trauma across the lifespan (Felitti & Anda, 2009; Fallot & Harris, 2009). Although social work students are preparing to work in trauma-informed environments, the principles of trauma-informed care have not been applied to the classroom environment. These principles, combined with contemplative practices, are particularly relevant in undergraduate social work education where students grapple with complex issues related to trauma. Contemplative practices have been noted to improve self-awareness, mediate practice, and content-related stress in social work, and have positive implications for metacognitive and critical thinking skills. This article weaves together principles of trauma-informed care and contemplative practices and describes a course revision to an undergraduate social work course on crisis intervention and interpersonal violence.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Scores: When Social Work Students and Trauma Mix
Branson D.C., Radu M.B., Loving J.D.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 10, doi.org, Abstract
This study compares the presence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) scores among social work students with other majors and predicts the likelihood of majoring in social work. Results from a Midwestern, 4-year university indicate that on average, social work students (n=81) are more likely to have higher ACE scores in all assessed items compared to students of other university majors (n=269). Findings from the logistic regression analyses suggest that students who report at least one category of adversity were more likely to major in social work compared to other university majors. Using the person-in-environment perspective lens, these findings may account for gravitation of some students toward social work as a major. Resulting implications to baccalaureate social work programs concerning curriculum, trauma awareness, and resiliency training of students are discussed.
Affinity Groups: Redefining Brave Spaces
Myers K., Trull L.H., Bryson B.J., Yeom H.S.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 15, doi.org, Abstract
Affinity groups are brave spaces convened by undergraduate social work faculty members for students who do not identify with dominant groups. Affinity groups are offered in response to diverse students' experiences of isolation and microaggressions as well as episodes of religious discrimination and flagrant racist, xenophobic, and homophobic actions. The term brave space is chosen to demonstrate that many spaces are never totally safe for those who experience oppression. The affinity groups offered at a midsized public university include Students of Color, LGBTQIAP+, and Coexist. Benefits of group experiences for students include identity development, within-group diversity, social networks, professional development, and faculty–student relationships. Benefits for the undergraduate social work department include modeling strong social work community and group practice, implementation of the implicit curriculum, and a more welcoming social work program for all students. Challenges include protecting group members from dominant group curiosity and microaggressions and accounting for faculty time and effort.
Interprofessional Education for Social Work Students: Findings From a Cross-Sectional Study
Hovland C.A., Whitford M., Niederriter J.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
This exploratory study aids understanding of the experiences of baccalaureate social work students participating in an interprofessional (IP) simulation and how the simulation would inform their future practice. This study used a nonrandom purposive sample of 32 undergraduate social work students from one midwestern university who attended one of three Team STEPPS seminar training days offered during three semesters. Postseminar surveys were completed, and conventional content analysis was used to analyze data. Three themes emerged regarding the first research question of understanding students' experiences in an IP environment: (1) benefits of IP collaboration, (2) social work as a big part of the puzzle, and (3) real-life learning. Three themes emerged regarding the second research question of these students' future practice: (1) communication, (2) self-confidence, and (3) knowledge gained. The results reveal the value of participation in IP simulation activities for undergraduate social work students and support the need for continued development and implementation of such activity.
Understanding Suicide: A Generalist Course on Suicide for BSW Students
Mirick R.G.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 6, doi.org, Abstract
Suicide is a major public health issue in the United States. The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention recommended increased education for individuals who work directly with at-risk populations, such as clients in child welfare programs, programs that serve older adults, and those working with adjudicated youths. Many BSW graduates enter direct practice positions in these agencies and would benefit from education on suicide during their BSW program. This teaching note describes a BSW course on understanding suicide. The course development, content, readings, assignments, and inclass exercises are described. The feedback of the students who enrolled in this course (N=17) is included. Implications for instructors, including considering students' own lived experiences with suicide, and for undergraduate social work programs are identified.
Including Adverse Childhood Experiences Content in the HBSE Course for BSW Students
Panisch L.S., Randolph K.A., Boel-Studt S.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2019, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) negatively affect biopsychosocial development and functioning across the lifespan. Social workers in generalist practice are likely to serve individuals with a history of childhood adversity. Currently, there is no standard requirement for the topic of ACEs to be addressed in baccalaureate social work education. Our teaching note addresses this gap in the curriculum by establishing a need for baccalaureate social work students to receive trauma-specific education early in their academic careers. Human Behavior in the Social Environment is proposed as a course in which this content can be easily incorporated. Recommendations for future directions are provided.
Simulation Versus Role-Play: Perceptions of Prepracticum BSW Students
Tufford L., Asakura K., Bogo M.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 23, doi.org, Abstract
Although the use of human simulation has recently gained much attention in social work education, many schools continue to rely on peer role-plays as a predominant teaching method. This qualitative study examined BSW students' perceptions of simulation versus role-play when learning interviewing skills. Individual interviews were conducted with second-year BSW students (n=17). The following four themes emerged as to how students view simulation versus role-play as an approach for developing interviewing skills: (1) the relationship in role-play versus simulation, (2) normalizing skills acquisition, (3) authenticity of simulation, and (4) seriousness of simulation. This study suggests that observational approaches within these pedagogical methods normalize the stress of learning interviewing skills and that social work educators need to find ways to increase the level of authenticity of the role-play format.
Strengthening Competency in Policy Practice: An Experiential Model for Student Learning
Apgar D., Parada M.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
Competence in micro and macro practice is required by the Council on Social Work Education because it is essential for skilled practice by helping professionals. Social work educators have historically struggled to identify learning opportunities for students in policy practice that are interesting and help reinforce its relevance to direct helping. It is imperative that new methods of policy engagement be implemented in social work curricula. This article describes an innovative model, based on an experiential statewide collaborative of all undergraduate social work education programs, to develop and assess student competency in policy practice. Evaluation results indicate that students found this model more effective in teaching about the importance of policy practice than traditional policy courses and in conveying the importance of policy to their work in the field.
Teaching Note: Using Adult Learning Principles for Evidence-Based Learning in a BSW Research Course
Conner L.R., Richardson S., Murphy A.L.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
Many social work students report experiencing feelings of anxiety and reluctance to engage in independent research. This article offers a framework for integrating adult learning principles into an undergraduate social work research course. We delineate the six principles of adult learning and describe course activities that facilitate this learning process. For each principle, we discuss implications for the classroom and related learning tasks. Using adult learning principles challenges and extends what is known about integrating the experience of adult learners in conjunction with improving student learning, including effectively communicating evidence-based practice.
Appreciative Inquiry in Service-Learning Courses
Jones-Eversley S.D., Harnek Hall D.M., Vejar C.M.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
Service-learning provides an opportunity for BSW students to actively apply course concepts in the field. Experiential learning can transform abstract theories that substantiate multidimensional contexts into practical scenarios in the field. Although service-learning courses are encouraged, faculty workload concerns and the need for guided, structured experiences deter many faculty members from participating. Appreciative inquiry, a strategy focused on using strengths to build solutions in agencies, can provide a framework for student assignments that entail student-group work with community agencies and communities. Using this framework, BSW students and instructors can co-create a learning experience through planned and structured interactions with community agencies. An explanation of appreciative inquiry and its utility in the service-learning classroom are presented.
Advising in Social Work Education: Student and Faculty Perceptions
Hessenauer S., Guthrie D.D.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
This article discusses the results of a two-phase, mixed-methods study on the advising experience from the perspectives of a bachelor's-level student and an adviser in social work education. Findings indicate how academic advising can be effective, most significantly through the development of a relationship. Advisers did report the advising process is effective; however, more support and training of faculty advisers may be important. Implications for academic advising and education are discussed.
The Power of Three: Infusing Voter Engagement in Lower Level BSW Courses
Hylton M.E., Smith T.R., Powers J., Ostrander J., Lane S.R.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 9, doi.org, Abstract
Voting provides an opportunity for citizens of a democracy to exercise their power to effect social change, but for a variety of reasons the populations typically served by social work do not vote at the same rates as more privileged groups. The strategy described here, the Power of Three, is an ethical, effective, and sustainable method for engaging undergraduate students early in their BSW careers in voter outreach. The case study described assigned BSW students the task of engaging members of the community in voting and registering a minimum of three people to vote. Findings indicate that this strategy was effective in increasing students' involvement in various voter engagement activities and increasing students' understanding of the importance of voting to social work practice.
Teaching Financial Problem Solving: A Curriculum Model From a Pilot BSW Course
Smith T.E., Richards K.V., Panisch L.S., Shelton V.M.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
Social work clients need financial literacy skills. Many clients are faced with the task of overcoming increasingly complex and challenging financial obstacles that can take a dire toll on their physical and environmental stability and mental well-being. Social workers who lack skills in financial literacy are at a disadvantage when helping their clients overcome economic hardships. Financial therapy is an emerging intervention that merges techniques of psychotherapy with financial education. This integrated approach can be used by social workers in generalist settings to promote financial problem solving. Few baccalaureate social work (BSW) programs provide students with education about financial problem solving from this angle. A curriculum model and overview of a pilot course introducing BSW students to a manualized form of this approach is presented. Overall, students found the course beneficial and expressed interest in using this intervention in practice. Student feedback is reviewed, along with directions for further study.
Image Versus Text in PowerPoint Lectures: Who Does It Benefit?
Barrick A., Davis D., Winkler D.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Microsoft PowerPoint has become routine in higher education lectures, yet there is very little research on the effectiveness of text in slides, which is primarily what is used. The current study assessed student satisfaction with images versus text slides in PowerPoint lectures across several classes of one professor in the social work department at a large public university. The survey was sent to 123 BSW students who were instructed by the researcher with PowerPoint lectures that involved primarily images versus text. Seventy-eight students completed the survey for a response rate of 63%. Results indicated that students overwhelmingly reported that images in PowerPoint lectures enhanced their learning. However, further analyses indicated that being African American is negatively associated with enhancing their learning using images. This is important because of the increase in African American students enrolling in college and low institutional retention rates of underrepresented students.
Revisiting the Continuum—Enter the DSW
Daley M.R.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 1, doi.org
Solution-Focused Case Management
Elpers K.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 1, doi.org
Social Work as a Career: Comparative Motivations of Black and White Social Workers
Nashwan A.J., Bowie S.L.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
This research investigated differential career choice factors (CCFs) that motivated Black and White graduates to enroll in MSW programs. The purposive sample (N=1,020) was mostly White (66.4%), and consisted of individuals living primarily in Tennessee (71%) and Florida (13.2%), with MSWs from CSWE-accredited schools in 45 states. Most (36%) were social work majors as undergraduates, followed by psychology (27.3%) and sociology (7.2%) majors. Data were collected using the Career Development Subscale of the Preparation for Graduate Social Work Education Scale. Influential CCFs were different for Blacks and Whites, with the former emphasizing a desire for increased income and the latter emphasizing a desire for recognition and acquiring new skills. Results affirmed the idea of data-based MSW program recruitment strategies based on race and cultural preferences. BSW faculty were found to be ideally suited to influence MSW program recruitment and should be more deliberate toward that end.
Active Learning: Academic Debate and Student-Led Peer Debate Workshop in Social Welfare Policy Classroom
Saint-Louis N.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2018, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This article describes the use of structured classroom debates over four consecutive spring semesters and a student-led debate workshop in the context of an undergraduate social welfare policy course. In all, 29 students from diverse backgrounds participated in these experiential activities. An inductive thematic analysis of student feedback about participation in the debate workshop indicated (a) enjoyment of learning experience, (b) recognition of importance of organization and preparation, (c) appreciation for alternative viewpoints, (d) understanding of social welfare policy, (e) value of teamwork, (f) development of debate and leadership skills, and (g) motivation to apply skills. Course evaluations yielded similar themes: (a) increased appreciation for alternative viewpoints and (b) improved understanding of concepts and their application. Student responses indicated that the use of debate is promising as an active learning tool for BSW students to engage in policy practice and to learn about social welfare policy.
Self-Care for Helping Professionals: Students' Perceived Stress, Coping Self-Efficacy, and Subjective Experiences
Greene D., Mullins M., Baggett P., Cherry D.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2017, цитирований: 14, doi.org, Abstract
Little has been published regarding BSW students' perceived stress, coping self-efficacy, and self-care. A preexperimental study, with one qualitative question, was used to determine the effects of a self-care course on students' perceived stress scores (PSS), coping self-efficacy scores (CSES), and subjective experiences. Nineteen undergraduate students participated. Mean age of participants was 25, 90% were female, and most were Caucasian. The average CSES was 161.42 (SD=41.57) at pretest and 180.72 (SD=34.97) at posttest. A statistically significant difference in mean scores was found (t=−2.109, p=.05). The average PSS was 17.58 (SD=8.50) at pretest and 14.83 (SD=5.607) at posttest. Students' subjective experiences with the course were positive, and 79% noted that their understanding of self-care changed. Despite the small sample and lack of diversity, the study's contribution is noteworthy. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to examine the impact of a 3-credit course on self-care for BSW students.
Integrating Student Research Across the Social Work Curriculum: A Photovoice Case Study
McGovern J.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2017, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
Beyond reviewing ways to make research experiences available to undergraduate social work students, this article provides a step-by-step guide to implementing a one-semester qualitative research project adopting a photovoice design. Research in the classroom is a high-impact pedagogy with outcomes that support student success in the classroom and beyond. When applied to the social work curriculum, research experiences stand to improve client outcomes as well by improving workforce preparedness. Beyond providing a guide to implementation, this article reports on an evaluation of a project that advocates providing a wide range of research experiences to social work students to promote workforce preparedness through practice and research skill building and to improve client outcomes as a result.
Strengthening Empathy Training Programs for Undergraduate Social Work Students
Dupper D.
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2017, цитирований: 10, doi.org, Abstract
Profound demographic changes as well as the introduction of religious freedom or convictions of conscience legislation in some states has made it more important than ever to equip undergraduate social work students with the knowledge and skills necessary to convey genuine empathy to clients and client groups who are stigmatized or oppressed and to use this empathic understanding to shape public policy. This article discusses the importance of enhancing current empathy training programs for undergraduate social work students by including content on implicit bias and several empirically supported strategies, including mindfulness practices, that are effective in reducing implicit bias and fostering empathy for members of stigmatized outgroups. This article concludes with an overview of instruments designed to identify, assess, and measure all aspects of interpersonal empathy and social empathy.
Prison as a Site for Experiential Learning in Social Work: Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 2017, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
Across the globe, the United States has the largest number of individuals incarcerated, and these individuals are disproportionately of minority status and economically disadvantaged. The extent of the issue makes it important to social work, but many social work programs lack opportunities for students to more fully appreciate the social justice implications of our criminal justice policies. The Inside-Out (IO) Prison Exchange Program provides students with a unique opportunity to learn alongside incarcerated people inside a prison. Through weekly class meetings, and group projects over the semester, inside and outside students learn about each other as well as the course content. In this article, we discuss what IO entails and our experiences developing an IO program in social work. The goal of this article is to illuminate the process of starting an IO program and demonstrate its transformative impact on students, inside and outside.
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