Cheremiskina A.A., Shanshin D.V., Generalov V.M., Glukhov A.V., Serdyuk D.E., Safatov A.S., Buryak G.A., Grabezhova V.K., Kruchinina M.V., Shuvalov G.V.
It was noted that the detection time of West Nile virus protein E by standard methods – immunoenzyme assay for West Nile virus antigen, antibody seroconversion, polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription, virus isolation and neutralization assay, is at least one hour. West Nile virus (genus Flavivirus) belongs to the Japanese encephalitis antigenic complex of the family Flaviviridae and is capable of causing West Nile fever or severe West Nile disease. To increase the detection rate of recombinant protein E of West Nile virus, an express detection method using the developed promising biosensor-based analytical device was proposed. The biosensor is based on a field-effect transistor fabricated by optical lithography using silicon-on-insulator technology. The biosensor design was modernized – the topology of the crystal was changed (one ground electrode was formed in the center, around which 20 field-effect transistors are located), and the crystal surface was additionally covered with a hafnium oxide layer to stabilize the electrical characteristics. Protein detection by means of the biosensor is based on the measurement of current amplitude in the source-to-source circuit of the biosensor with monoclonal antibodies immobilized on the surface of its gate in response to the appearance of the antigen – recombinant protein E of West Nile virus – in the analyzed sample. It was experimentally established that the biosensor is capable of detecting protein concentration of 10 pg/μl. It is necessary to continue further studies to determine the error of measured concentrations and statistical reliability of the results obtained by the biosensor.