Найдено 269
Artificial intelligence in oncourology: integrated deep learning technologies in the tasks of segmentation of three-dimensional images of kidney tumors
Nikitaev V.G., Pushkar D.Y., Matveev V.B., Pronichev A.N., Nagornov O.V., Otchenashenko A.I., Kleyman A.I.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In order to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnosis, a new convolutional neural network architecture is presented, which provides automatic segmentation and detection of kidney tumors on three-dimensional images obtained by computed tomography. The proposed approach is based on the integration of three complementary technologies: multilevel convolutional processing, residual connections and U-Net architectural principles. This approach ensures efficient processing of voluminous medical data. An original neural network system for segmentation of kidney images obtained by computed tomography and detection of kidney tumors has been built. To validate the system, a comprehensive experiment was conducted using the publicly available KiTS19 dataset (Kidney Tumor Segmentation 2019) provided by the University of Minnesota Clinic through the Grand Challenge platform. The dataset includes 300 labeled images of kidneys obtained by computed tomography, with confirmed diagnoses. The experiment consisted of the following stages: dataset preprocessing, including normalization and augmentation; system training for 210 cases; validation on an independent sample of 90 cases. The results of the experiment demonstrate the high diagnostic efficiency of the system: the accuracy of automatic segmentation of anatomical structures of the kidneys was 96 % (according to the Dice coefficient); the accuracy of detection and segmentation of tumor formations has reached 91 % (according to the Dice coefficient). The results obtained can be applied in the following areas of clinical practice: preoperative planning and navigation during organ – preserving operations; automated screening of studies using computed tomography for early detection of kidney tumors; quantitative assessment of the dynamics of tumor growth in monitoring the course of the disease; support for clinical decision-making in oncourology.
Phase noise calibrator
Bazhenov N.R., Barekhov A.M., Kaminsky O.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The necessity of developing of an initial relative phase noise level standard to ensure metrological traceability of small values of phase noise measurements. The relevance of creating a standard is due to the increased requirements for short-term frequency stability of modern signal generators and highly stable quartz oscillators, characterized by a relative level of phase noise. At the same time, according to existing verification methods, the phase noise measurement error is determined by the method of sinusoidal phase modulation, which does not provide a range of small values of phase noise. The presence of additional unaccounted sources of measurement error of small values of phase noise has been experimentally shown, which is confirmed in various publications. The article presents the results of the development of a calibrator of the relative level of phase noise based on the method of additive white Gaussian noise, which provides traceability of the phase noise measurement in a range of small values. The use of a comparator in the form of a phase noise analyzer for transmitting a unit within a local verification scheme is proposed. At the same time, the reproducible values of the calibrator, due to the possibility of adjusting the additive white Gaussian noise level, are set close to the measured values. This approach made it possible to reduce the measurement error by 2-3 times in relation to the self error of phase noise analyzers and ensured the reliability of the estimation small values of phase noise.
State primary standard machine on Vickers and Knoop hardness scales GET 31-2024
Aslanyan A.E., Aslanyan E.G., Pilipenko D.N., Shvydun V.V., Shchipunov A.N., Yurov L.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The results of research aimed at ensuring the uniformity of hardness measurements according to the Vickers and Knoop scales, reproduction of Vickers hardness numbers HV in the range 2000–5000 and Knoop hardness numbers HK in the range 17–2500. The research is due, firstly, to the fact that the hardness of ceramics used in industry and medicine is more than 2000 HV, and hardness measurements on the Vickers scales of products made of these ceramics were not traced to the State primary special standard for metal hardness on the Vickers GET 31-2010 scales. Secondly, the Vickers tip print has a square shape, therefore, when measuring hardness on a limited area of the surface, for example near a weld, one of the corners of the print goes beyond the boundaries of the measured zone, which leads to an incorrect assessment of the hardness of the studied surface area. The Knoop method, implemented using a tip, the base of which is made in the form of a diamond with one short side, solves the problem of correct hardness testing on a limited area of the surface. A reference installation has been investigated and included in the State primary hardness standard according to the Vickers and Knoop scales GET 31-2024, which allows reproducing the Vickers hardness numbers HV in the range 2000–5000 and the Knoop hardness numbers. Thus, the traceability of measurement results obtained using hardness testers to GET 31-2024 is ensured. The metrological characteristics of GET 31-2024 have been studied. The use of hardness testers traceable to GET 31-2024 makes it possible to accurately assess the mechanical properties of new materials, predict the performance characteristics of products made of new materials, and increase the reliability of product hardness control.
Development of a system to ensure the uniformity of measurements of the power of electromagnetic oscillations in the field of millimeter wavelengths
Malay I.M., Matveev A.I., Chirkov I.P.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The renewal of the fleet of radio engineering and electromagnetic measuring instruments is due to the introduction of high-tech technologies, the modernization of radio electronic industry products. The use of a new generation component base in modern measuring instruments has made it possible to improve parameters such as measurement ranges and frequencies, and instrumental error. As a result, the error of ultrahigh frequency power measuring instruments is limited by the metrological characteristics of working standards and measurement methods used in the transmission of a unit. The research is aimed at improving the theory and methodology of reproduction and transmission of a unit of power of electromagnetic oscillations from the state primary standard. A system of requirements for primary and working standards has been formed, taking into account the use of measurement results of complex reflection coefficients to reduce the error of misalignment and the application of stability criteria. The results of scientific research on the creation of primary, secondary, working standards and measuring instruments for the power of electromagnetic oscillations in the range from 37.5 GHz to 178.4 GHz are presented. The concept of constructing a state verification scheme for power measuring instruments using borrowed working standards of units of complex reflection and transmission coefficients, attenuation, and frequency is proposed. The main elements of the system being created for the reproduction and transmission of ultrahigh frequency power units, including the state primary standard with an extended frequency range, working standards, power meters, ensure improved measurement accuracy during the development and testing of modern radio engineering complexes.
Experimental implementation of a measuring electrode for determining the hydrogen index in strongly acidic environments
Dobrovolskiy V.I., Shchipunov A.N., Prokunin S.V., Glebov A.B., Alimova T.E.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The work is aimed at finding ways to solve the issue of metrological support for measurements of the hydrogen index pH in a highly acidic environment, which requires the presence of corrosion-resistant measuring electrodes with a stable potential, and for use in medical purposes – with an additional requirement – the absence of toxic substances on the working surface of the electrodes. Non-toxic and relatively corrosion-resistant metallic bismuth with the addition of modified graphite was chosen as the material for the electrode production. Optimal ratios of the main substance of the electrode (bismuth) and the modifying additive (graphite) have been selected, a binding solution has been proposed to increase the degree of homogeneity of the working surface of the electrode, and a method for manufacturing measuring electrodes has been described. An experimental setup has been developed to measure the potential of the manufactured electrodes relative to the potential of a normal hydrogen electrode. The setup includes a set of technical means, including a hydrogen generator, a hydrogen electrode used under standard conditions, acting as an anode, and a measuring electrode acting as a cathode, which was made up of various electrodes manufactured within the framework of this work. Electrode functions have been constructed for antimony and bismuth electrodes of different modifications. The results of measuring the potential of the manufactured bismuth and antimony electrodes, which are used as pH probes in medical equipment, have been compared. The results of studies of the influence of carbon additive on the electrode potential of measuring electrodes and their corrosion resistance are presented. Ways of further studies are proposed to optimize the composition of the working surface of electrodes for use in a strongly acidic environment.
Application of rational functions in primary and secondary thermometry
Kytin V.G., Potapov B.G., Petukhov A.A., Aslanyan E.G., Shchipunov A.N.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Method has been developed for determination of acoustic and microwave resonance frequences in acoustic gas thermometry by fitting of frequency dependencies of acoustic signal and complex transmission coefficient of the resonator by microwave radiation. The method does not require setting of initial parameters. The method is based on the representation of fitting function used for approximation of frequency dependence in acoustic gas thermometry by rational function. Then approximation of experimental frequency dependence by rational function is performed by quickly converged series of linear approximations. This series can be easily implemented on PC. Method eliminates setting of initial parameters. This simplifies and accelerates approximation of frequency dependences and determination of resonant frequences. Approximation of temperature dependencies of resistivity of standard rhodium-iron resistance thermometers was performed by rational function in the temperature range from 0.5 to 273 K as an alternative for traditional approximation by two different polynomial functions in temperature subranges from 0.5 to 26 K and from 26 to 273 K. It has been shown that the approximation of the temperature dependence of resistivity of rhodium-iron thermometer by single rational function provides deviation of fitting function from experimental points less than 0.5 mK in the range from 0.5 to 273 K. Amount of parameters of such rational function is less than amount of parameters of two polynomial functions providing comparable deviation at experimental points. Obtained result significantly simplifiers resistance to temperature transfer for rhodium-iron standard thermometers.
Precision measurements of the propagation velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in solids by resonance method
Bazylev P.V., Krokosh T.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The possibility of extending the frequency range and functional capabilities of the State primary standard for the units of propagation velocities and damping coefficient of ultrasonic waves in solids GET 189-2014 at reproduction and transfer of the unit of propagation velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in solids by using the resonance measurement method has been studied. This characteristic of solids is used in thickness measurement, flaw detection and other scientific and practical fields. The results of research of the resonance method of measuring the propagation velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in solids are presented. In the experiment, velocity measures made of optical glasses and leucosapphire were used, which allow measuring the velocity in the range of 4000–11200 m/s with its frequency dispersion less than 10–4. Contactless broadband capacitive transducers are used to excitation and registration of the longitudinal ultrasonic waves in the frequency range from 1 to 100 MHz. The accuracy of the measurement results obtained by the resonance method was analyzed in comparison with the laser pulse method used in GET 189-2014. It is established that the absolute error of measurements of the propagation velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves in solids by the resonance method, defined as a deviation from conventional true value of a quantity, is not more than 1 m/s depending on the material of the measure, the relative error is less than 10 –4. In the low- frequency range, a monotonic increase in the measured velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves was observed when applying a velocity measure made of leucosapphire, which may be due to the physical properties of this material. The obtained results confirm the possibility of extending the frequency range and functional capabilities of GET 189-2014 by using the resonance method of measuring the propagation velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves and capacitive transducers, which do not require high (optical) quality of the surfaces of the certified measures.
Metrologically significant software for evaluating the accuracy characteristics of ground-based laser coordinate measuring systems: initial assessment of functionality
Donchenko S.I., Mazurkevich A.V., Lesnichenko V.I.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
An experimental analysis of the software used to calculate the coordinates of the centers of reference spheres using laser coordinate measuring systems was performed. It was found that the analyzed software of the manufacturers of laser coordinate measuring systems is redundant in functionality and is intended for the implementation of a complex of large scientific and educational projects, but is not intended to solve the problems of metrological support of laser coordinate measuring systems. The considered software examples are not metrological programs and require optimization for their use for metrology purposes. The problem of high-precision processing of measurement data (three- dimensional point clouds) when assessing the metrological characteristics of ground-based laser coordinate measuring systems was solved. Software (an algorithm for processing measurement results) was developed that allows determining the coordinates of the center of the reference sphere with a reserve of metrological accuracy sufficient for calibration by the main characteristic of measuring instruments such as absolute trackers and scanners. An algorithm implemented in the MATLAB software environment is proposed, which allows one to recognize a sphere from a set of measured spatial data and calculate the coordinates of its center location, thereby qualitatively assessing the main metrological characteristic of laser coordinate measuring systems. The results of an experiment using the proposed algorithm for calculating the coordinates of the centers of reference spheres included in the reference complex of three-dimensional measurements (coordinate measurements, coordinate increments) in the range of 0–60 m from the State primary special standard of a unit of length GET 199-2024 are presented. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by the results of real measurements. In the future, the developed algorithm will be included in the special software, which will find application in the work of standardization and metrology centers, as well as accredited metrology laboratories, and will allow us to come to a unified method for processing the results of measurements of absolute trackers, terrestrial laser scanners and their analogues.
VNIIFTRI reference base in the field of underwater acoustic measurements: metrological characteristics, functional capabilities, innovations and prospects for improving standards
Isaev A.E., Kuznetsov S.I., Lomovatskiy Y.A., Matveev A.N.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The updated VNIIFTRI’s underwater acoustic reference base is described. The article provides information about a special multifunctional metrological water tank, an underwater acoustic excess pressure tank, metrological characteristics of reference facilities of state primary standard of units of sound pressure and oscillating velocity in the water media GET 55-2017, state primary standard of the unit of ultrasound power in water GET 169-2019, state primary standard of the unit of sound velocity in liquid media GET 201-2012. A model of a hydrophone as an operational link and a minimum-phase four-terminal network is proposed, the concept of energy sensitivity in frequency bands is introduced, a method for determining the effective size of a hydrophone and obtaining its minimum-phase frequency response of sensitivity is proposed, implemented in GET 55-2017. A method for representing the complex frequency response of sensitivity by a formula is proposed, and requirements for the functionality of a digital metrology platform are formulated. GET 169-2019 is supplemented with two facilities for reproducing units of intensity and pressure of ultrasound in water, which will make it possible to find a comprehensive solution to the problem of metrological support for ultrasound medical and other equipment manufactured and used in Russia. GET 201-2012 is supplemented with a facility for reproducing and transmitting the unit of sound velocity in water using the time-of-flight pulse method with a variable base. The change in the base length is measured using the optical interference method, and the time delay is measured using characteristic points of pulse signals. Prospects for improving primary standards are discussed. Attention is drawn to the problems that have arisen in the participation of the Russia in international comparisons and possible ways to solve them.
Increasing the location accuracy of the operating unit of a three-axis metal-cutting machine tool: application of the differential geometric model of volumetric errors
Grigoriev S.N., Masterenko D.A., Pimushkin Y.I., Stebulyanin M.M.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article is devoted to increasing the volumetric accuracy of multi-axis machine tools. Based on the model of measurement and calculation of the volumetric geometric error of machine tools presented by the authors, a method has been developed which allows to signifi cantly improve the accuracy of the movement of the operating unit of a three-axis metal-cutting machine tool to a given point. The astatic law and the calculation of the coordinate correction according to the differential geometric model of the volumetric error are used to control the movement of the operating unit. The developed method is implemented programmatically and allows to perform the correction in the control program represented in G-code. As a result of experiments on software correction of volumetric errors according to the developed method, conducted at the State Engineering Centre of the Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN” on a threeaxis CNC machine tool, a signifi cant reduction (up to 90 %) of geometric volumetric errors was shown. The developed method can be used to improve the accuracy of metal-cutting machine tools by creating postprocessors that calculate corrections to the coordinates set in the control system based on the results of interferometric measurements.Keywords: volumetric accuracy, interference measurements, three-axis machine tools, machine tool accuracy, geometric errors, astatic control law, mathematical modelling, differential geometry
Results of pilot comparisons in the field of measuring the nutritional value of milk powder COOMET 880/RU-a/23
Sergeeva A.S., Golynets O.S., Voshchula N.V., Aksupova A.M., Zhen G., Bo Z., Ling S., Xia Z., Guangliang Z., Xiuqin L.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A necessary condition for obtaining high-quality food products that satisfy human physiological needs for essential nutrients and energy is continuous monitoring of the macronutrient content. The correctness of measurements in the process of such monitoring is verified by analyzing, in parallel with working samples reference materials of the composition of food products and food raw materials. The certified values of these reference materials shall be traceable to measurement standards and/or measurement results of national metrology institutes. For mutual recognition of the calibration and measurement capabilities of national metrology institutes, they must obtain equivalent results in key comparisons. The possibility of organizing key comparisons is assessed during pilot comparisons. The article presents the results of pilot comparisons in the field of measuring the nutritional value of milk powder COOMET 880/RU-а/23 with the participation of national metrology institutes of the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic and China. Samples of skim and whole milk powder were selected as the objects of comparison. The measured characteristics are mass fraction of moisture, nitrogen, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrates (lactose). Each participant in the comparison used measurement procedures, measurement instruments and equipment that ensure the highest accuracy. When assessing the uncertainty of the values of the specified measured characteristics, the participants took into account the standard deviation of the results of parallel determinations, uncertainties from the quantities included in the measurement equations, and methodological factors. The comparisons demonstrated the consistency of most of the measurement results presented by the participants. Some deviating measurement results of operationally determined quantities (mass fraction of ash, mass fraction of moisture) are due to the empirical nature of the methods used, i.e. the dependence of the measurement results on the applied drying or ashing conditions. For rational values (mass fraction of nitrogen), the discrepancies are probably due to incomplete extraction of the component from the test sample, as well as the lack of established traceability of the sample used to standardize the titrant. The results of the comparisons will be used in preparing proposals for conducting key comparisons for the purpose of mutual recognition of national standards and calibration and measurement certificates in the field of measuring the nutritional value of milk powder.
Integral indicator of the assessment of the functional state of the “fatigue” of the aircraft pilot
Koptev D.S.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The necessity of timely diagnostics and forecasting of the fl ight crew performance level under the infl uence of a complex of unfavorable factors that reduce the effi ciency of professional activity and disrupt the functional state of pilots is considered. It is shown that the most frequent functional state of “fatigue” occurs in pilots during aircraft control. A method for assessing the functional state of civil aviation pilots has been developed, which is based on determining the value of the integral indicator with subsequent classifi cation of a specifi c stage of the functional state: no fatigue, compensated, acute, chronic, overfatigue. A set of physiological indicators has been determined – heart rate, respiratory rate, fractional blood saturation level and the value of the standard deviation of the duration of cardiointervals – for which a functional dependence for calculating the integral indicator of the functional state has been obtained using the multiple linear regression method. taking into account. It has been shown that preliminary normalization of the values of physiological indicators is carried out using the Harrington membership function. The proposed integral indicator varies within 0–100 %. The reliability of the proposed regression model is statistically substantiated: all regression coeffi cients were confi rmed using the Student's t-test at a signifi cance level of 0.01, and the determination coeffi cient of 0.934 was calculated, confi rming the high level of compliance of the obtained functional dependence with the original data. The proposed integral indicator of the functional state was verifi ed for two control groups of pilots. The calculated pair correlation coeffi cients were 0.842 for the fi rst group and 0.798 for the second group, indicating a strong positive correlation according to Pearson and, consequently, the consistency of the calculated values of the integral indicator of the functional state with expert assessments. The obtained results can be used in the design and development of devices for non-invasive diagnostics of the functional state, as well as in the fi eld of clinical medicine for assessing the values of physiological indicators.
Optoelectronic oscillator system with low phase noise based on a microwave multiplexor: evaluation of construction possibilities
Kazmin M.I., Nebavskiy V.A., Rodin V.G., Starikov R.S., Tretyakov D.A., Cheremkhin P.A.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The paper is dedicated to the current issue of microwave photonics: the development of optoelectronic oscillators for ultra-high frequency signals. The interest in creating such oscillators is largely driven by the possibility of obtaining signals with low levels of phase noise. The use of multiplexers as fi lters in optoelectronic oscillators opens up new possibilities in building optoelectronic systems for generating ultra-high frequency signals at different frequencies. This implementation of the optoelectronic generator allows for discrete regulation of the frequency of the generated signal, or generating the signal simultaneously at multiple specifi ed frequencies. In the investigated system, phase noises were measured: less than 100 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset from the carrier frequency and less than 130 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset from the carrier frequency. The obtained results confirm the potential use of multiplexers as bandpass filters, which is important for the development and optimization of optoelectronic oscillators
Silver coin chemical composition two-parameter control system: measuring instruments selection for mass fraction of components
Mitrofanova S.A., Muravyeva I.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article considers general requirements for quality control of precious metal products. It presents an algorithm for developing a quality control system for silver coins and features of its application in monitoring the chemical composition of coins with a silver content of 79.7% to 92.8% (the balance is copper). An algorithm has been developed for making decisions based on the two-parameter control results, including mathematical models for calculating the indicators of control reliability (the probability of types I and II errors). The calculation of the errors in measuring mass fractions of silver and copper (standard deviation) was performed with the required reliability (the probability of type I errors is 0.10). The article describes the dependence of the probability of type I errors on the error (standard deviation) of mass fraction of alloy components in silver coins measurement result, which can be used to justify the requirements for the indicators of measurement accuracy. Based on the criteria “Analyzed elements”, “Measurement range”, “Error”, X-ray fl uorescence spectrometers were proposed for use in the control system. The described algorithm for developing a controlsystem and its implementation in monitoring the chemical composition of silver coins will be useful to employees involved in precious metals and jewelry in specialized institutes and organizations in the manufacturing industry, banks, jewelry stores, pawnshops. 
Methodological errors in determining thermal protection of building envelopes in natural conditions
Levin E.V., Okunev A.Y.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The process of thermal engineering surveys of buildings is considered. This process includes in-kind measurements of heat flux density and temperature on the surfaces of building envelope. Based on the obtained measurement results, the reduced heat-transfer resistance is calculated and compared with the required design values for building. It is shown that when calculating the heat-transfer resistance of the building envelope based on the survey results, methodological errors may occur, which are caused by external natural thermal effects on the building and internal non-stationary heat fl ows in the building envelopes. During in-kind thermal engineering surveys of enclosures of buildings of any type, these methodological errors are a priori unknown, since the measurement conditions differ from the conditions of thermal engineering tests in special climatic chambers, where a stationary difference in air temperature is maintained on the internal and external surfaces of the building envelope. To assess the methodological errors in thermal engineering surveys of buildings in natural conditions that begin on any day of the calendar year and last for several days, physical and mathematical modeling of unsteady heat transfer in the building envelope is performed. The following thermal effects, close to real ones, are taken into account during the modeling: outside air temperature; direct and diffuse solar radiation; radiant heat exchange with the environment. Enclosing structures with low and high thermal protection and thermal inertia are analyzed. Possible values methodological errors of heat engineering surveys are calculated using archived meteorological data for the Moscow region. It is shown that, depending on the season and weather conditions, their values can vary from several units to several tens of percent. The conditions for conducting surveys are determined taking into account different levels of methodological errors. A comparison of two standard methods for calculating heat transfer resistance is carried out and it is shown that the methods give different levels of methodological errors. The results obtained will be useful for specialists conducting heat engineering surveys of buildings and structures using non-destructive testing methods.
Search group control method of a batch of products
Mironchenko V.I.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A brief overview of group control methods is given, which allow you to simultaneously control several products according to one or more parameters with one control tool. To reduce the time of control of a batch of products in comparison with its piece-by-piece control, a group control search method was developed and studied. It is based on an approach used to find hidden faults in radio equipment by dividing the circuit into parts and then monitoring them. The requirements that the controlled products must satisfy are determined, and the conditions for the advantage of the method are established. The influence of the volume and level of defectiveness of a batch, the distribution of defective products throughout the batch on the time of its inspection was studied. It has been proven: uniform distribution of defective products throughout the batch leads to the longest inspection time; the time of batch control by this method is significantly reduced with a decrease in the level of its defectiveness. The conditions for the feasibility of using the method in terms of batch volume and the level of its defectiveness have been established, under which it has an advantage over pieceby- piece inspection methods. A device for implementing the method is described. The efficiency of the search method of group control of a batch of products is calculated when applied in specific conditions. The obtained results can be used by technologists in various industries when developing processes for controlling batches of products.
D. I. Mendeleev on the unity of measures, weights and money: an analysis from the point of view of modern metrology
Krutikov V.N., Okrepilov V.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article analyzes the validity of D. I. Mendeleyev's statement made in 1867 about the need to maintain the unity of measures, weights and money to ensure fair trade and rapprochement between nations. It is shown that under the conditions of the monetary system and the “gold standard” monetary system, it was the observance of the unity of measures, weights and money that allowed states to sovereignly establish and maintain a stable value of their money for a sufficiently long time. This, in turn, ensured confidence in the stable value of money, equality of trading parties, and fair trade in states that supported the unity of measures, weights and money. The global financial and market system created in the 21st century abandoned the observance of the metrological principles of the unity of measures, weights and money, replacing the stable “material” value of national money with its market price. The negative consequences of this step became apparent quite quickly. The value of national currencies ceased to be stable, the international market became unequal. It is shown that in the conditions of the modern global financial and market system, fair international trade is impossible in principle. The article proposes and substantiates the need to return to the unity of measures, weights and money, which allows ensuring the stability of means of payment, equality of trading parties.
Method for rapid detection of recombinant protein E of West Nile virus
Cheremiskina A.A., Shanshin D.V., Generalov V.M., Glukhov A.V., Serdyuk D.E., Safatov A.S., Buryak G.A., Grabezhova V.K., Kruchinina M.V., Shuvalov G.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
It was noted that the detection time of West Nile virus protein E by standard methods – immunoenzyme assay for West Nile virus antigen, antibody seroconversion, polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription, virus isolation and neutralization assay, is at least one hour. West Nile virus (genus Flavivirus) belongs to the Japanese encephalitis antigenic complex of the family Flaviviridae and is capable of causing West Nile fever or severe West Nile disease. To increase the detection rate of recombinant protein E of West Nile virus, an express detection method using the developed promising biosensor-based analytical device was proposed. The biosensor is based on a field-effect transistor fabricated by optical lithography using silicon-on-insulator technology. The biosensor design was modernized – the topology of the crystal was changed (one ground electrode was formed in the center, around which 20 field-effect transistors are located), and the crystal surface was additionally covered with a hafnium oxide layer to stabilize the electrical characteristics. Protein detection by means of the biosensor is based on the measurement of current amplitude in the source-to-source circuit of the biosensor with monoclonal antibodies immobilized on the surface of its gate in response to the appearance of the antigen – recombinant protein E of West Nile virus – in the analyzed sample. It was experimentally established that the biosensor is capable of detecting protein concentration of 10 pg/μl. It is necessary to continue further studies to determine the error of measured concentrations and statistical reliability of the results obtained by the biosensor.
State primary standard of units of absorbed dose, absorbed dose rate, ambient and individual dose equivalents, rates of ambient and individual dose equivalents of neutron radiation GET 117-2023
Fedorov S.G., Berlyand A.V., Berlyand V.A., Dyachenko V.M., Kovalenko O.I.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The issues related to ensuring the uniformity of measurements and traceability of measurement results obtained using clinical dosimeters in neutron radiation therapy are considered in relation to the State Primary Standard of units of absorbed dose, absorbed dose rate, ambient and individual dose equivalents, ambient and individual dose equivalent rates of neutron radiation GET 117-2023. The methods and means of reproduction and transmission of units of ambient and individual equivalents of neutron radiation dose and their powers are described. Reproduction of these units of quantities is carried out on the basis of the reconstructed energy distribution of neutrons in the energy range of 0.001–20 MeV. Requirements for the measurement error of these units of quantities are presented, in particular, the relative expanded uncertainty of measuring the absorbed dose and the absorbed dose rate of neutron radiation should not exceed 3 % with a coverage factor of 2. The work describes the composition and physical principles of operation of the State Primary Standard. The standard includes new technical means: hardware and methodological complexes for reproduction, methods and means of measurement, a neutron radiation verification unit with an automated positioning system for neutron radiation sources UKPN-1MDA, a system for filling chambers with gases. The authors present a description of the methods for reproducing units of quantities and their functional dependence. The results of the study of the metrological characteristics of GET 117-2023 are presented. The metrological characteristics of the updated standard correspond to modern domestic and international standards for accuracy and reproduction ranges. The uniformity of measurements of clinical dosimeters required for neutron radiation therapy has been ensured. GET 117-2023 plays a key role in the system of metrological support for dosimetric measurements of neutron radiation in such areas as healthcare, ecology, nuclear energy, industry, defense and security, science, as well as in a number of other areas.
Electromechanical mathematical model of curvilinear torsional-bending piezoelectric actuator
Pan’kov A.A.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A brief overview of various piezoelectric actuators - electromechanical converters of electrical signals of the power source into movement is given. An electromechanical mathematical model of a piezoelectric torsional-bending TorsBC-actuator in the form of a curved two-layer bimorph of torsion from two fi lm piezoelectric IncIDE-actuators with orientation angles ±π/4 interdigital electrodes was developed. The working bending of the TorsBC actuator in the transverse plane is due to controlled piezoelectric twisting around its longitudinal curvilinear axis. The torque is due to piezoelectric tensile or compressive stresses at ±π/4 angles to the longitudinal axis in the bimorph layers. The polarity of the control voltage applied to the electrode outputs determines the sign of the piezoelectric stresses (i.e. tension or compression in directions ±π/4) of the torsion bimorph layers and, as a result, determines the direction of twisting and the resulting transverse bending of the TorsBC actuator. Analytical solutions and numerical analysis of values of deflection, twist angle and blocking force on free end of cantilever arc-shaped TorsBC actuator are obtained depending on its geometrical and electro-mechanical parameters, in particular, curvature of its longitudinal axis. The results are relevant in the design of bending-type sensors and actuators, elements of microelectromechanical systems, stepper motors and manipulators for assembling microscale objects.
Artificial intelligence-based neuro consultant in the field of legal metrology
Kuzin A.Y., Kroshkin A.N., Obolensky I.A.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The most booming technology of artificial intelligence, so-called large language models (LLM), is considered. Their functionality, examples and prospects of use in various fields of activity are analyzed. It is shown that by means of specialized pre-training technologies there are opportunities to create numerous neuro employees on the basis of large language models, increasing the efficiency of companies' activity. Pre-training adds special expert knowledge in a particular field and/or specific functional capabilities to the “basic intelligence” of large language models. A pilot project implemented by VNIIMS in cooperation with the University of Artificial Intelligence to create a neuro consultant in the field of legal metrology based on the YandexGPT model is described. The results of the project confirmed the practical feasibility and high efficiency of such a neuro employee. The project assumes the possibility of further development and scaling.
Compact non-contact temperature measurement device for high-intensity microwave electromagnetic fields conditions
Mamontov A.V., Nefedov V.N., Khritkin S.A.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The practical implementation aspects of heated in microwave electromagnetic fields objects noncontact temperature measurement as one of the main factors in ensuring the quality of the heat-treated product are considered. The advantages of using the pyrometric method of temperature measurement in comparison with the thermocouple method under the influence of high-intensity electromagnetic fields are substantiated. A variant, which includes a cut-off waveguide with fasteners and a small-sized infrared sensor, for continuous temperature measurement system technical implementation of heated in a microwave field objects is proposed. The variants of proposed compact, cheap and versatile temperature measurement unit using a single-zone infrared sensor of the MLX90614 family, in application to conveyor microwave heating installations are described. The convenience of embedding the sensor into the microwave technological installation control system is noted due to the presence of programming functions for the emissivity of the measured object, the possibility of transmitting information about the object temperature using one of two digital protocols, as well as the possibility of building a network of several dozen measuring sensors on one two-wire digital data bus. The small size and weight, simplicity and relative cheapness of the contactless temperature measurement unit design allows it to be used in all types of microwave heating devices.
Measuring the difference in gravitational potentials of ground points using the duplex satellite method
Fateev V.F., Smirnov F.R., Naumov A.V.
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The issue of measuring the difference in gravitational potentials and the corresponding difference in orthometric heights based on two spatially separated highly stable ground-based hydrogen quantum clocks is investigated. The relevance of the presented study and its practical significance are determined, in particular, by the prospects for measuring the difference in orthometric heights using the duplex method of comparing the time scales of remote consumers via a geostationary communications satellite. The problem of determining the difference in gravitational potentials and the corresponding difference in orthometric heights between points on the Earth's surface is considered. A solution is proposed for measuring the difference in orthometric heights using the duplex method of comparing time scales of remote consumers via a geostationary communications satellite. A scheme of an original experiment is described for measuring the difference in gravitational potentials and the corresponding difference in orthometric heights based on two spatially separated highly stable ground-based hydrogen quantum clocks. In accordance with the proposed scheme, for the first time in the Russian Federation, the difference in gravitational potentials and orthometric heights of ground points located at a distance of 825 m from each other was measured based on the duplex satellite method and transportable quantum hydrogen clocks. The domestic geostationary satellite Express-80 was used in the geostationary repeater satellite; duplex communication was established using stationary and relocatable sets of duplex equipment. With a relative instability of quantum clocks of 10–15 and a difference in orthometric heights of about 21 m, the measurement error was 2.8 m. The results obtained are relevant for geodetic gravimetry when solving problems of constructing a unified altitude base using highly stable quantum frequency standards.
Исследование результатов поверки торговых весов на основе данных во ФГИС «АРШИН»
Паньков А.Н., Паньков А.Н., Попов А.А., Попов А.А., Копылова Е.В., Копылова Е.В.
Legal and Applied Metrology, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
В соответствии с Перечнем средств измерений, поверка которых осуществляется только аккредитованными в установленном порядке в области обеспечения единства измерений государственными региональными центрами метрологии (утв. Постановлением Правительства РФ от 20 апреля 2010 г. № 250) средства измерений массы товаров, применяемые в розничной торговле, в том числе с указанием цены и стоимости, должны поверяться только государственными региональными центрами метрологии. Анализ сведений, содержащихся в Федеральном информационном фонде по обеспечению единства измерений показал, что государственные региональные центры метрологии поверяют лишь малую часть применяемых в розничной торговле весов. Полученные в процессе исследования данные предоставляют исчерпывающие сведения о состоянии используемых в розничных торговых сетях средств измерений массы, об их сроке эксплуатации и позволяют оценить уровень метрологической обеспеченности этих средств измерений. Кроме того, результаты анализа подтверждают гипотезу о возможных нарушениях при проведении поверки, что подчеркивает актуальность проведенных исследований.
Анализ влияния шага дискретизации на точность цифровых измерений шаговых параметров шероховатости поверхности
Лысенко В.Г.
Legal and Applied Metrology, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Автор продолжает серию публикаций в журнале «Законодательная и прикладная метрология», посвящённых цифровым методам измерений геометрических параметров шероховатости поверхности, в связи с внедрением стандартов – отечественного ГОСТ Р ИСО 4287 и международных серии ISO 5436 и ISO 25178. Анализируется влияние шага дискретизации профиля при цифровых измерениях на точность измерений шаговых параметров шероховатости по отечественному ГОСТ Р ИСО 4287 и международным серии ISO 5436 и ISO 25178. Исследована систематическая погрешность, возникающая при цифровом измерении шаговых параметров n (0), m, S, Sm (Rsm). Получены рекомендации по оценке систематической погрешности и её компенсации.
Cobalt Бета
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