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Agile Computational Intelligence for Supporting Hospital Logistics During the COVID-19 Crisis
Tordecilla R.D., Martins L.D., Saiz M., Copado-Mendez P.J., Panadero J., Juan A.A.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2021, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter describes a case study regarding the use of ‘agile’ computational intelligence for supporting logistics in Barcelona’s hospitals during the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. Due to the lack of sanitary protection equipment, hundreds of volunteers, the so-called “Coronavirus Makers” community, used their home 3D printers to produce sanitary components, such as face covers and masks, which protect doctors, nurses, patients, and other civil servants from the virus. However, an important challenge arose: how to organize the daily collection of these items from individual homes, so they could be transported to the assembling centers and, later, distributed to the different hospitals in the area. For over one month, we have designed daily routing plans to pick up the maximum number of items in a limited time—thus reducing the drivers’ exposure to the virus. Since the problem characteristics were different each day, a series of computational intelligence algorithms was employed. Most of them included flexible heuristic-based approaches and biased-randomized algorithms, which were capable of generating, in a few minutes, feasible and high-quality solutions to quite complex and realistic optimization problems. This chapter describes the process of adapting several of our ‘heavy’ route-optimization algorithms from the scientific literature into ‘agile’ ones, which were able to cope with the dynamic daily conditions of real-life routing problems. Moreover, it also discusses some of the computational aspects of the employed algorithms along with several computational experiments and presents a series of best practices that we were able to learn during this intensive experience.
Smart Villages in Depopulated Areas
Paniagua A.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2020, цитирований: 10, doi.org, Abstract
The politics of smart village is an innovative area of the European rural policies that can have a remarkable usefulness in depopulated rural areas. It is necessary to distinguish the gap in the politics of smart villages between the core rural areas and peripheral rural areas in Europe and national scales. The implementation of smart villages is easier in the core rural areas and presents more problems in the peripheral rural areas. An integrated scalar vision is needed for/from Europe and a vision for/from each country with different problems, needs and expectations. In this context depopulated Spain is a double rural periphery: European and national. There are two roads around the smart villages: (a) horizontal connecting territories, and (b) firms that favor diversification. Depopulated areas are attractive locations for leisure, work and retirement. The problem is how it is possible develop a politics to smart and competitive areas in the whole of European rural areas and how is possible implement a smart and competitive policy and politics in depopulated areas. Some answers are detailed in this contribution focused mainly in depopulated Spain.
Prior Empirical Results
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In the previous chapter, an in-depth exploration of the problem (how to use software to assist to the generation of knowledge in archaeology) was given, along with a description of existing studies in related areas.
Prior Research Design
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The main objective of the research carried out here is determining and showing how it is possible for software
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The disciplinary division which has traditionally been imposed in the form of humanities and social sciences versus natural sciences and engineering has not allowed for fluid two-way communication between the two worlds.
Cognitive Processes
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The previous chapter described the conceptual support for the expression of all the archaeological subject aspects for a given case study using the framework proposed.
Presentation and Interaction Mechanisms
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In recent decades, the strategic importance of software data interaction and presentation techniques for the analysis of large volumes of data (Big Data), along with their use in decision making, has grown considerably with the appearance of emerging disciplines [148], professions [66] and techniques which assist human beings in the handling and interpretation of data.
Existing Techniques and Tools
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Dealing with abstraction processes that takes part in the human mind is not an easy task. As other kind of research areas.
Archaeological Subject Matter
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
An adequate conceptualization of the domain involved is the first step in any software technique, process, tool or system that we would want to build.
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This book guides the reader for the amazing sub-area of the software-assisted knowledge generation: How it is possible through software to assist humans in creating new knowledge about our past? Specifically, the reader has found a complete conceptual framework based on software models for the development of software to assist archaeologists and related professionals in the process of knowledge generation.
Integration, Interoperability and Consistency Between Framework Models
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A software system is not a conceptually one-dimensional artefact, whatever the purpose for which the software was conceived or the (in our case archaeological) data was collected.
Dealing with Archaeological Particularities
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Now that we have contextualized and motivated why it is important a co-research approach to assist via software knowledge generation processes, we are ready to focus on the archaeological domain and their particularities. As we have showed in previous chapters, archaeological data sets (and in general the conceptualization of the archaeological entities and processes) present some characteristics that, without represent unique situation because most of them are common in other humanistic disciplines, their treatment is essential for an effective approach to the topic.
Framework Overview
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, Обзор, doi.org, Abstract
Over the course of the previous chapters, we have explored the co-research environment in software Engineering and archaeology
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Over the course of the previous chapters, the problem of providing software assistance to the generation of knowledge based on large archaeological data sets has been explored, explained in detail and conceptualized.
Analytical Validation: A Romea as a Case Study
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
At this stage of our research, it’s time to put what we developed and learned into practice applying it to a real case study.
Empirical Validation
Martin-Rodilla P.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The previous chapter presented a formal validation of the software models which make up the framework presented in this book, applied to the specific case study of A Romea. This validation demonstrates the capacity of the framework to provide the kind of software-assisted knowledge generation for archaeological datasets, which we aim to offer by way of interaction and presentation patterns adapted to the structure of archaeological information and to the cognitive processes performed on this information during the knowledge generation process.
Fundamentals of Graphene-Enabled Wireless On-Chip Networking
Abadal S., Llatser I., Mestres A., Solé-Pareta J., Alarcón E., Cabellos-Aparicio A.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
In the broad sense of the term, nanonetworks may refer not just to networks composed of nanosized devices, but also to communication networks enabled by nanotechnology. Nanoscale communication techniques can be suitable to interconnect elements far larger than a few square micrometers in applications subject to strong size constraints or bandwidth requirements. Here, the concept Graphene-enabled Wireless Network-on-Chip (GWNoC) is introduced as a clear example of this category. In GWNoC, graphene plasmonic antennas are used to wirelessly communicate the components of a multicore processor, which are located in the same chip. This shared medium approach is opposed to current chip communication trends and aims to reduce many of the issues that hamper the development of scalable multiprocessor architectures. In this chapter, we describe the scenario and the communication requirements that justify the employment of nanonetworking techniques, as well as the main challenges that still need to be overcome in this new research avenue.
Ant Colony Optimization for Semantic Searching of Distributed Dynamic Multiclass Resources
Krynicki K., Jaen J.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In this chapter, we discuss the issues related to the problem of semantic resource querying in dynamic p2p environments and present the current approximations and successful solutions, with a special emphasis on their scalability. We focus on the use of nature-inspired metaheuristics, especially the ant colony optimization, and describe in detail the fundamental challenges an efficient p2p resources querying algorithm must overcome. The outlined approaches are evaluated in terms of the quality and completeness of the searches, as well as the algorithmic overhead. We introduce the notions of information diffusion in a p2p network as a means of combating the resource redistribution, and multipheromone approaches, that are often used to enable efficient semantic queries.
Linked Open Data as the Fuel for Smarter Cities
Emaldi M., Peña O., Lázaro J., López-de-Ipiña D.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2015, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
In the last decade big efforts have been carried out in order to move towards the Smart City concept, from both the academic and industrial points of view, encouraging researchers and data stakeholders to find new solutions on how to cope with the huge amount of generated data. Meanwhile, Open Data has arisen as a way to freely share contents to be consumed without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. Nowadays, Open Data is an achievable concept thanks to the World Wide Web, and has been re-defined for its application in different domains. Regarding public administrations, the concept of Open Government has found an ally in Open Data concepts, defending citizens’ right to access data, documentation and proceedings of the governments. We propose the use of Linked Open Data , a set of best practices to publish data on the Web recommended by the W3C, in a new data life cycle management model, allowing governments and individuals to handle better their data, easing its consumption by anybody, including both companies and third parties interested in the exploitation of the data, and citizens as end users receiving relevant curated information and reports about their city. In summary, Linked Open Data uses the previous Openness concepts to evolve from an infrastructure thought for humans, to an architecture for the automatic consumption of big amounts of data, providing relevant and high-quality data to end users with low maintenance costs. Consequently, smart data can now be achievable in smart cities.
P2P Data Replication: Techniques and Applications
Spaho E., Barolli A., Xhafa F., Barolli L.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2015, цитирований: 7, doi.org, Abstract
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing systems offer many advantages of decentralized distributed systems but suffer from availability and reliability. In order to increase availability and reliability, data replication techniques are considered commonplace in P2P computing systems. Replication can be seen as a family of techniques. Full documents or just chunks can be replicated. Since the same data can be found at multiple peers, availability is assured in case of peer failure. Consistency is a challenge in replication systems that allow dynamic updates of replicas. Fundamental to any of them is the degree of replication (full vs. partial), as well as the source of the updates and the way updates are propagated in the system. Due to the various characteristics of distributed systems as well as system’s and application’s requirements, a variety of data replication techniques have been proposed in the distributed computing field. One important distributed computing paradigm is that of P2P systems, which distinguish for their large scale and unreliable nature. In this chapter we study some data replication techniques and requirements for different P2P applications. We identify several contexts and use cases where data replication can greatly support collaboration. This chapter will also discuss existing optimistic replication solutions and P2P replication strategies and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. We also propose and evaluate the performance of a fuzzy-based system for finding the best replication factor in a P2P network.
Future Human-Centric Smart Environments
Moreno-Cano M.V., Santa J., Zamora-Izquierdo M.A., Skarmeta A.F.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2015, цитирований: 8, doi.org, Abstract
Internet of Things (IoT) is already a reality, with a vast number of Internet connected objects and devices that has exceeded the number of humans on Earth. Nowadays, there is a novel IoT paradigm that is rapidly gaining ground, this is the scenario of modern human-centric smart environments, where people are not passively affected by technology, but actively shape its use and influence. However, for achieving user-centric aware IoT that brings together people and their devices into a sustainable ecosystem, first, it is necessary to deal with the integration of disparate technologies, ensuring trusted communications, managing the huge amount of data and services, and bringing users to an active involvement. In this chapter, we describe such challenges and present the interesting user-centric perspective of IoT. Furthermore, a management platform for smart environments is presented as a proposal to cover these needs, based on a layered architecture using artificial intelligent capabilities to transform raw data into semantically meaningful information used by services. Two real use cases framed in the smart buildings field exemplify the usefulness of this proposal through a real-system implementation called City Explorer. City Explorer is already deployed in several installations of the University of Murcia, where services such as energy efficiency, appliance management, and analysis of the impact of user involvement in the system are being provided at the moment.
Data Modeling for Socially Based Routing in Opportunistic Networks
Ciobanu R., Dobre C., Xhafa F.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2015, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Opportunistic networks are the next step in the evolution of mobile networks, especially, since the number of human-carried mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has greatly increased in the past few years. They assume unselfish communication between devices based on a store-carry-and-forward paradigm, where mobile nodes carry each other’s data through the network, which is exchanged opportunistically. In this chapter, we present opportunistic networks in detail and show various real-life scenarios where such networks have been successfully deployed or are about to be, such as disaster management, smart cities, wildlife tracking, context-aware platforms, etc. We highlight the challenges in designing successful data routing and dissemination algorithms for opportunistic networks, and present some of the most important techniques and algorithms that have been proposed in the past few years. We show the most important issues for each of them, and attempt to propose solutions for improving opportunistic routing and dissemination. Finally, we present what the future trends in this area of research might be, from information-centric networks to the Internet of Things.
QoS in Next Generation Mobile Networks: An Analytical Study
Carmona-Murillo J., González-Sánchez J., Cortés-Polo D., Rodríguez-Pérez F.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2014, цитирований: 10, doi.org, Abstract
Two of the major challenges for next-generation mobile systems are to achieve seamless mobility management in next generation wireless networks and to manage resources efficiently given the exponential growth that mobile data traffic has experienced over the last few years. To track host mobility, the IETF has made important efforts to develop mobility management protocols such as Mobile IPv6 and Proxy Mobile IPv6. These protocols establish a tunnel to connect the mobile node with its correspondent node. The tunneling method provided by MPLS can be profitably used to take advantage of MPLS traffic engineering capabilities in order to achieve faster re-routing when a mobile node changes its point of attachment to the network. Moreover, in order to deal with increasing mobile traffic demand, mobility management network architectures are being redesigned towards a more distributed operation. Given these scenarios, service disruption during handoffs continues to cause excessive packet loss that needs minimizing in order to support quality of service requirements for emerging applications. In this paper, a qualitative and quantitative analyses of the most representative host-based and network-based mobility management approaches is presented, including recent distributed mobility management approaches.
An Energy-Efficient Contention-Aware Algorithm for Channel Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks
Mesodiakaki A., Adelantado F., Alonso L., Verikoukis C.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2014, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In recent years, due to the ever-increasing traffic demands and the limited spectrum resources, it is very likely that several cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs) will coexist and opportunistically use the same primary user (PU) resources. In such scenarios, the ability to distinguish whether a licensed channel is occupied by a PU or by another CRAHN can significantly improve the spectrum efficiency of the network, while the contention among the CRAHNs already operating on the licensed channels with no PU activity, may further affect the performance of the network. Therefore, the proper selection of the frequency bands, already being used by other CRAHNs, could result in notable throughput and energy efficiency gains for the network under study. In this chapter, we propose a novel contention-aware channel selection algorithm, that: i) initially locates the spectrum holes by exploiting cooperative spectrum sensing, ii) categorizes the idle licensed channels based on their contention level (i.e., number of secondary users (SUs) belonging to other non-cooperating CRAHNs that are operating on the licensed channels), and iii) selects the less contended licensed channel to be accessed first by the CRAHN under study. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by means of simulations and it is shown that it can present gains up to 70% in throughput and up to 68% in energy efficiency.
Ambient Assisted Living Tools for a Sustanaible Aging Society
Bleda A.L., Maestre R., Jara A.J., Skarmeta A.G.
Springer Nature
Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies, 2014, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
In the last decade there has been a huge increase in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies that try to address the continuous growing aging population. These demographic changes have led to new challenges for the society, which has to provide assistance to old people while promoting other aspects such as their autonomy and independence at home, as well as supporting their common daily life activities. The R&D community has been well-aware of these changes and over the last few years has come up with new AAL approaches. This chapter discusses the changes that the new demographic scenario implies and the major forces that shaped it. We will analyze the needs and limitations that the elderly have to face in their everyday lives, and why new AAL technologies are a viable solution. The major scientific results will be described along with their derived commercial products. Similarly, a complete analysis of the companies’ effort, progress and products on this area will be presented. Finally, the future research paths will be discussed.
Cobalt Бета
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