Zhu H., Hudson D., Li C., Shi L., White B., Young G., Stirling A., Whitall M., Lock A., Lavender S., Stratton R.
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science,
цитирований: 0,
open access

A new convection scheme, ‘CoMorph-A’, has been introduced into the latest UK Met Office coupled (GC4) and atmosphere-only (GA8) models. In this study, the impact of CoMorph-A is assessed in atmosphere-only Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations, as well as in sets of initialised 28-day forecasts with both the coupled and uncoupled models. Initial results show improvements over the Indo-Pacific and northern Australian regions, as well as improvements in the rainfall bias, Madden–Julian Oscillation simulation and prediction, tropical cyclone forecasts and the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the Maritime Continent. The improvements are mostly consistent across the initialised forecasts and the climate simulations, indicating the effectiveness of the new scheme across applications. The use of this new convection scheme is promising for future model configurations, and for improving the simulation and prediction of Australian weather and climate. The UK Met Office is continuing to develop CoMorph and will soon release version B.