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National analysis of hospital-presenting suicidal ideation and self-harm among males
Wilson M.J., Byrne S.J., Fisher K., Seidler Z.E., Kavalidou K.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2025, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Abstract Objectives: There is evidence of increasing rates of hospital presentations for suicidal crisis, and emergency departments (EDs) are described as an intervention point for suicide prevention. Males account for three in every four suicides in Ireland and are up to twice as likely as females to eventually die by suicide following a hospital presentation for suicidal crisis. This study therefore aimed to profile the characteristics of ED presentations for suicidal ideation and self-harm acts among males in Ireland, using clinical data collected by self-harm nurses within a dedicated national service for crisis presentations to EDs. Methods: Using ED data from 2018–2021, variability in the sociodemographic characteristics of male presentations was examined, followed by age-based diversity in the characteristics of presentations and interventions delivered. Finally, likelihood of onward referral to subsequent care was examined according to presentation characteristics. Results: Across 45,729 presentations, males more commonly presented with suicidal ideation than females (56% v. 44%) and less often with self-harm (42% v. 58%). Drug- and alcohol-related overdose was the most common method of self-harm observed. A majority of males presenting to ED reported no existing linkage with mental health services. Conclusions: Emergency clinicians have an opportunity to ensure subsequent linkage to mental health services for males post-crisis, with the aim of prevention of suicides.
Prevalence of depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation and behaviours in young people presenting with a first episode of psychosis
FitzPatrick P., Brown E., Street R., O’Donoghue B.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Abstract Objectives: Suicide accounts for a proportion of the early mortality in people affected by psychotic disorders. The early phase of illness can represent a particularly high-risk time for suicide. Therefore, in a cohort of young people presenting with first-episode psychosis, this study aimed to determine: (i) the prevalence of suicidal ideation, intent with plan and self-harm and any associated demographic or clinical factors and (ii) the prevalence of depressive symptoms and any associated demographic or clinical factors. Methods: Young people with a first episode of psychosis attending the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Melbourne were included. Suicidal behaviours were recorded using a structured risk assessment – ‘Clinical Risk Assessment and Management in the Community’, and depressive symptoms were measured using the PHQ-9. Results: A total of 355 young people were included in the study. 57.2% were male, 95.4% were single and over one quarter were migrants. At the time of presentation, 34.6% had suicidal ideation, 6.2% had suicidal intent with a plan, and 21.4% had engaged in self-harm before their presentation. Combined, 39.7% (n = 141) presented with suicidal ideation, intent with plan or self-harm. A total of 71.5% (n = 118) had moderately severe or severe depressive symptoms, which was strongly associated with suicidal ideation or behaviours at the time of presentation (OR = 4.21, 95% C.I. 2.10–8.44). Conclusions: Depressive symptoms, self-harm and suicidal behaviours are commonly present in the early phases of a psychotic disorder, which has important clinical implications for assessment and management.
Co-creation and recovery in mental health services: a lived experience perspective
Elwan M.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Abstract This article explores the shift in mental health recovery from mere symptom management to a holistic approach via the CHIME framework. It delves into the author’s experience, beginning with the loss of his father, a war veteran with mental health struggles, at 16, thrusting him into the role of primary caregiver for his mother, who also battled mental health issues and eventually took her own life. These events spotlight the shortcomings of traditional mental health care and the urgent need for empathetic, multifaceted services. Advocating for co-creation in mental health services, the article outlines a transition towards a system that integrates recovery principles through stages from co-ideation to co-evaluation, emphasising holistic, person-centred care. It calls for a reimagined mental healthcare system that respects individual journeys and is rooted in co-creation, signalling a critical move towards systemic change.
A qualitative evaluation of an exercise practitioner in an outpatient child and adolescent mental health service
Matthews E., Cowman M., Mulhare B., Banville E., Kissane S., Lederman O., Lowney P., Ronan F., Denieffe S.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2022, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Abstract Background: Physical activity interventions can confer a range of physical and mental health benefits among young people with mental disorders. In some contexts, such as Ireland, integrated physical activity is not easily available within child and adolescent mental health services. Therefore, an interagency pilot intervention was established in a child and adolescent mental health service in Ireland with the integration of a novel exercise practitioner into the multidisciplinary mental health team. Objective: A qualitative evaluation was conducted to understand the impact of the pilot intervention and to understand issues of implementation that arose throughout. Methods: In-depth qualitative interviews with service users’ parents/guardians (N = 3) and a single focus group with existing service providers (N = 3), framed by the RE-AIM framework were conducted to evaluate the pilot intervention. Data were analysed using thematic analysis to explore themes. Results: Three overarching themes were identified. These were as follows: (i) Making changes toward healthier physical activity behaviours; (ii) An intervention of therapeutic holism; and (iii) The integrated service delivery. Conclusions: This research provides insight on the value of a novel integrated exercise practitioner in outpatient young persons’ mental health services in Ireland, indicating an enhanced and complimentary therapeutic service. These findings will be helpful for integrating Exercise Practitioners in this setting going forward.
Addressing physical health in mental illness: the urgent need to translate evidence-based interventions into routine clinical practice
O’Donoghue B.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2021, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
AbstractPeople affected by severe mental health disorders have a greatly reduced life expectancy compared to their non-affected peers. Cardiovascular disease is the main contributor to this early mortality, caused by higher rates of smoking, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, sleep disturbance, excessive alcohol use or substance abuse and medication side effects. Therefore, we need to take a preventative approach and translate effective interventions for physical health into routine clinical practice. These interventions should be delivered across all stages of mental health disorders and could also have the added benefit of leading to improvements in mental health. Furthermore, we need to advocate to ensure that people affected by severe mental health disorders receive the appropriate medical assessments and treatments when indicated. This themed issue highlights that physical health is now an urgent priority for funding and development in mental health services. The widespread implementation of evidence-based interventions into routine clinical practice is an essential need for consideration by clinicians and policymakers.
Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of migrants to Ireland presenting with a first episode of psychosis
O’Donoghue B., Sexton S., Lyne J.P., Roche E., Mifsud N., Brown E., Renwick L., Behan C., Clarke M.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2021, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
Objectives: When presenting with a first episode of psychosis (FEP), migrants can have different demographic and clinical characteristics to the native-born population and this was examined in an Irish Early Intervention for Psychosis service. Methods: All cases of treated FEP from three local mental health services within a defined catchment area were included. Psychotic disorder diagnoses were determined using the SCID and symptom and functioning domains were measured using validated and reliable measures. Results: From a cohort of 612 people, 21.1% were first-generation migrants and there was no difference in the demographic characteristics, diagnoses, symptoms or functioning between migrants and those born in the Republic of Ireland, except that migrants from Africa presented with less insight. Of those admitted, 48.6% of admissions for migrants were involuntary compared to 37.7% for the native-born population (p = 0.09). Conclusions: First-generation migrants now make up a significant proportion of people presenting with a FEP to an Irish EI for psychosis service. Broadly the demographic and clinical characteristics of migrants and those born in the Republic of Ireland are similar, except for less insight in migrants from Africa and a trend for a higher proportion of involuntary admissions in the total migrant group.
Evaluation of an exercise physiology service in a youth mental health service
Pearce M., Foote L., Brown E., O’Donoghue B.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 6, doi.org, Abstract
BackgroundIndividuals who experience serious mental health disorders are at an increased risk of physical illness co-morbidity and early intervention is crucial. Recommendations to embed an exercise physiologist service into a mental health service have not been fully evaluated.ObjectivesThis study aimed to determine (i) demographics and clinical characteristics of the young people referred to exercise physiology, (ii) adherence to metabolic monitoring, (iii) baseline physical health and (iv) level of engagement after referral.MethodsThis is a naturalistic cohort study and included all young people referred to the exercise physiology service between 2015 and 2019 at Orygen, a specialist youth mental health service in the north-western region of Melbourne.ResultsDuring the study period of 45 months, 312 young people were referred to exercise physiology, and of those, 51.3% were male. The mean age was 19.8 years. In regard to primary diagnoses, 47.4% had a psychotic disorder and 33.7% an affective disorder. Baseline weight measurements were completed for 71.8% of young people. The proportion of young people who were classified as overweight or obese increased from 55.1% to 70.4% (p< 0.001). For those referred, 61.5% attended either an individual session or a group session. A total of 29.5% did not attend their appointment following referral.ConclusionsAs over half of young people had poor physical health at presentation, integrating an exercise physiology service into a youth mental health service is a novel and needed intervention. However, there still needs to be an emphasis on metabolic monitoring and engagement.
Psychedelic science in post-COVID-19 psychiatry
Kelly J.R., Crockett M.T., Alexander L., Haran M., Baker A., Burke L., Brennan C., O’Keane V.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 9, doi.org, Abstract
The medium- to long-term consequences of COVID-19 are not yet known, though an increase in mental health problems are predicted. Multidisciplinary strategies across socio-economic and psychological levels may be needed to mitigate the mental health burden of COVID-19. Preliminary evidence from the rapidly progressing field of psychedelic science shows that psilocybin therapy offers a promising transdiagnostic treatment strategy for a range of disorders with restricted and maladaptive habitual patterns of cognition and behaviour, notably depression, addiction and obsessive compulsive disorder. The COMPASS Pathways (COMPASS) phase 2b double-blind trial of psilocybin therapy in antidepressant-free, treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is underway to determine the safety, efficacy and optimal dose of psilocybin. Results from the Imperial College London Psilodep-RCT comparing the efficacy and mechanisms of action of psilocybin therapy to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram will soon be published. However, the efficacy and safety of psilocybin therapy in conjunction with SSRIs in TRD is not yet known. An additional COMPASS study, with a centre in Dublin, will begin to address this question, with potential implications for the future delivery of psilocybin therapy. While at a relatively early stage of clinical development, and notwithstanding the immense challenges of COVID-19, psilocybin therapy has the potential to play an important therapeutic role for various psychiatric disorders in post-COVID-19 clinical psychiatry.
The phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucinations in emotionally unstable personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder
Wallis S., Denno P., Ives J., Mallikarjun P., Wood S.J., Oyebode F., Broome M., Upthegrove R.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
Objective:To explore the phenomenology of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) in a clinical sample of young people who have a ‘non-psychotic’ diagnosis.Methods:Ten participants aged 17–31 years with presentation of emotionally unstable personality disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder and frequent AVHs were recruited and participated in a qualitative study exploring their subjective experience of hearing voices. Photo-elicitation and ethnographic diaries were used to stimulate discussion in an otherwise unstructured walking interview.Results:‘Non-psychotic’ voices comprised auditory qualities such as volume and clarity. Participants commonly personified their voices, viewing them as distinct characters with which they could interact and form relationships. There appeared to be an intimate and unstable relationship between participant and voice, whereby voices changed according to the participants’ mood, insecurities, distress and circumstance. Equally, participants reacted to provocation by the voice, leading to changes in mood and circumstance through emotional and physical disturbances. In contrast to our previous qualitative work in psychosis, voice hearing was not experienced with a sense of imposition or control.Conclusions:This phenomenological research yielded in-depth and novel accounts of ‘non-psychotic’ voices which were intimately linked to emotional experience. In contrast to standard reports of voices in disorders such as schizophrenia, participants described a complex and bi-directional relationship with their voices. Many other features were in common with voice hearing in psychosis. Knowledge of the phenomenology of hallucinations in non-psychotic disorders has the potential to inform future more successful management strategies. This report gives preliminary evidence for future research.
The social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous LGBTQA+ young people: a global perspective
Spurway K., Soldatic K., Briskman L., Uink B., Liddelow-Hunt S., Hill B., Lin A.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 8, doi.org, Abstract
There has been scant exploration of the social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) of young Indigenous populations that identify as LGBTQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual +). Given the vulnerability of this cohort living in Western settler colonial societies, wider investigation is called for to respond to their needs, experiences and aspirations. This paper summarizes existing research on the topic highlighting the lack of scholarship on the intersection of youth, Indigeneity, LGBTQA+ and SEWB. The paper takes a holistic approach to provide a global perspective that draws on an emerging body of literature and research driven by Indigenous scholars in settler colonial societies. The paper points to the importance of understanding converging colonial influences and ongoing contemporary elements, such as racism and marginalization that impact on young Indigenous LGBTQA+ wellbeing.
The need for early intervention for psychosis to persist throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
O’Donoghue B., O’Connor K., Thompson A., McGorry P.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 16, doi.org, Abstract
In the last three decades, early intervention for psychosis (EIP) services have been established worldwide and have resulted in superior symptomatic and functional outcomes for people affected by psychotic disorders. These improved outcomes are a result of reducing delays to treatment and the provision of specialised, holistic interventions. The COVID-19 pandemic poses significant challenges to the delivery of these services, such as undetected cases or long delays to treatment. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic will likely increase the mental health needs of communities, including the incidence of psychotic disorders. In this perspective piece, we provide suggestions as to how EIP services can adapt within this environment, such as utilising novel technologies. Finally, we argue that despite the economic consequences of the pandemic, the funding for mental health services, including EI services, should be increased in line with the need for these services during and beyond the pandemic.
Culture counts: the diverse effects of culture and society on mental health amidst COVID-19 outbreak in Australia
Furlong Y., Finnie T.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 42, doi.org, Abstract
Since COVID-19 first emerged internationally, Australia has applied a number of public health measures to counter the disease’ epidemiology. The public heath response has been effective in virus testing, diagnosing and treating patients with COVID-19. The imposed strict border restrictions and social distancing played a vital role in reducing positive cases via community transmission resulting in ‘flattening of the curve’. Now is too soon to assess the impact of COVID-19 on people’s mental health, as it will be determined by both short- and long-term consequences of exposure to stress, uncertainty, loss of control, loneliness and isolation. The authors explored cultural and societal influences on mental health during the current pandemic utilising Geert Hofstede’s multidimensional construct of culture and determined psychological and cultural factors that foster resilience. We also reflected on the psychological impact of the pandemic on the individual and the group at large by utilising Michel Foucault’ and Jacques Lacan’ psychoanalytic theories. Remote Aboriginal Australian communities have been identified as a high-risk subpopulation in view of their unique vulnerabilities owing to their compromised health status, in addition to historical, systemic and cultural factors. Historically, Australia has prided itself in its multiculturalism; however, there has been evidence of an increase in racial microaggressions and xenophobia during this pandemic. Australia’s model of cultural awareness will need to evolve, from reactionary to more reflective, post COVID-19 pandemic to best serve our multicultural, inclusive and integrated society.
Pilot cohort study of obstructive sleep apnoea in community-dwelling people with schizophrenia
Myles H., Myles N., Vincent A.D., Wittert G., Adams R., Chandratilleke M., Liu D., Mercer J., Vakulin A., Chai-Coetzer C.L., Galletly C.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 6, doi.org, Abstract
Objectives:We aimed to assess the incidence of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) in people with schizophrenia, to explore clinical associates with OSA and how well OSA screening tools perform in this population.Methods:All patients registered in a community outpatient Clozapine clinic, between January 2014 and March 2016, were consecutively approached to participate. Participants were screened for OSA using at home multichannel polysomnography (PSG) and were diagnosed with OSA if the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) was >10 events/hr. Univariate comparison of participants to determine whether AHI > 10 events/hr was associated with demographic factors, anthropometric measures and psychiatric symptoms and cognition was performed. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the commonly used sleep symptoms scales and OSA screening tools were also determined.Results:Thirty participants were recruited, 24 men and 6 women. Mean age was 38.8 (range: 25–60), and mean body mass index (BMI) was 35.7 (range 19.9–62.1). The proportion of participants with OSA (AHI > 10 events/hr) was 40%, 18 (60%) had no OSA, 4 (13%) had mild OSA (AHI 10.1–20), zero participants had moderate OSA (AHI 20.1–30) and 8 (27%) had severe OSA (AHI > 30). Diagnosis of OSA was significantly associated with increased weight, BMI, neck circumference and systolic blood pressure. Diagnosis of OSA was not significantly associated with Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale, Montgomery Asperger’s Depression Rating Scale, Personal and Social Performance scale or Brief Assessment of Cognition for Schizophrenia scores. All OSA screening tools demonstrated poor sensitivity and specificity for a diagnosis of OSA.Conclusion:OSA was highly prevalent in this cohort of people with schizophrenia and was associated with traditional anthropometric OSA risk factors.
Tobacco smoking in young people seeking treatment for mental ill-health: what are their attitudes, knowledge and behaviours towards quitting?
Brown E., O’Donoghue B., White S.L., Chanen A., Bedi G., Adams S., Schely C., Do T.U., Sterjovska A., Moeller-Saxone K., Kay-Lambkin F., Simmons M., Cementon E., Killackey E.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 7, doi.org, Abstract
IntroductionTobacco smoking is a leading cause of preventable death and disease worldwide. Adults with mental ill-health smoke tobacco at substantially higher rates than other adults, with public health approaches effective in the population overall having less impact on those with mental ill-health. However, less is known about the tobacco smoking behaviours, attitudes and knowledge of young people with mental ill-health, despite this being the peak period of onset for both mental illness and cigarette smoking.MethodsYoung people attending a youth mental health centre (providing both primary and specialist care) in Melbourne, Australia were approached by youth peer researchers and asked to complete a survey about smoking behaviours, attitudes and knowledge. We examined smoking and associated attitudes in the sample overall, and as a function of the services accessed.ResultsIn total, 114 young people completed the survey, with 56.3% reporting lifetime cigarette smoking, 42.0% smoking in the last 12 months and 28.6% in the past week. Of current regular smokers, 75.0% acknowledged they should quit in the future; however, only 23.5% planned to do so in the next month, with 44.4% confident that they could quit. Participants lacked knowledge about interactions between tobacco smoking, mental and physical health.ConclusionsYouth presenting for mental ill-health had high rates of cigarette smoking relative to population rates. Presentation at youth mental health services may represent a critical window for early intervention to reduce the lifetime impacts of cigarette smoking in mental ill-health. Interventions to support smoking cessation in this group are urgently needed.
Physical health trajectories of young people commenced on clozapine
O’Donoghue B., Mujanovic A., Young S., Bridson T., Mora L., Bismark M., Cocks J., Siskind D., McGorry P.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2020, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
AbstractObjectives:Clozapine is the most effective antipsychotic medication, but it has the highest propensity for metabolic side effects. A clozapine clinic was established within an early intervention for psychosis service to facilitate the timely commencement of clozapine and to manage the associated adverse effects. This study describes the changes in the weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and blood pressure after 6 months in young people commenced on clozapine.Method:This was a prospective cohort study of all young people, aged 15–24 years, commenced on clozapine within an early intervention service in Melbourne, Australia, between 01.04.2016 and 30.06.2018. Continuous data were analyzed with paired t-test and categorical with Wilcoxon signed-rank test.Results:Twenty-six young people received 6 months of treatment with clozapine, of whom the mean age was 19.8 years (s.d. ±3.1) and 66.7% were male. After 6 months, the mean weight gain was 5.1 kg (s.d. ±10.1 kg) and over half (53.8%) gained clinically significant weight. The proportion of young people classified as either overweight or obese rose from 69.2% to 88.5% (p = 0.006). The proportion of young people with a waist circumference above the recommended parameters increased from 57.9% to 78.9% (p = 0.008). Hypertension was present in 30%, and after 6 months, 45% had hypertension (p = 0.64). Metformin was prescribed to 34.6%, typically to those with the greatest and most rapid weight gain.Conclusion:Among young people with treatment resistant psychosis, clozapine is associated with significant metabolic side effects in the early stages of commencement. More interventions aimed at attenuating this weight gain are needed.
Where next for youth mental health services in Ireland?
McMahon J., Ryan F., Cannon M., O’Brien G., O’Callaghan M., Flanagan R., O’Connor K., Chambers D., Byrne S., McGorry P.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2018, цитирований: 8, doi.org, Abstract
To date, Ireland has been a leading light in the provision of youth mental health services. However, cognisant of the efforts of governmental and non-governmental agencies working in youth mental health, there is much to be done. Barriers into care as well as discontinuity of care across the spectrum of services remain key challenges. This editorial provides guidance for the next stage of development in youth mental care and support that will require significant national engagement and resource investment.
Young people, the internet and mental health
Chambers D., Cairns K., Ivancic L.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2017, цитирований: 9, doi.org, Abstract
The original research by Mullen et al. in this issue is a welcome contribution to the increasingly important research area concerned with mental health and internet use. There is a persistent and growing tension between harmful online content and the potential to support vulnerable people online. Although current research has established both negative and positive influences of the internet on mental health, a policy framework to guide the development of online mental health resources is lacking. Based on 20 years of online service provision (in Australia originally and now in Ireland), ReachOut.com has gained important insights into young people’s online behaviour and help-seeking preferences. Given that young people have expressed concerns about the impact of the internet and social media on their mental health, yet they will go online for support, there is a clear need for leadership and the resourcing of quality assured, engaging online mental health supports. Such an approach will be the most effective way of mitigating the threat posed by harmful online content.
Rethinking vulnerable groups in clinical research
Finnegan M., O’Donoghue B.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2017, цитирований: 12, doi.org, Abstract
Vulnerable groups are often excluded from clinical research on the basis of scientific, ethical and practical reasons. Although intended to protect vulnerable people and maintain study integrity, exclusion of vulnerable groups from research through use of standard exclusion criteria may not always be necessary and may result in findings that are not generalisable. Achieving a balance between the competing needs to protect vulnerable people and to make progress in our understanding of disorders and their management through research requires a reconsideration of exclusion criteria and consent processes to ensure vulnerable people are appropriately represented in clinical research. Reasons for development of broad exclusion criteria include both concrete barriers and intangible discouraging factors. This paper examines this situation and its consequences, perceived and real barriers to inclusion of vulnerable people in research, and suggests methods for overcoming these barriers and applying thoughtful exclusion criteria.
Coercion: an understudied issue in mental health
O’Donoghue B.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Coercion in mental health services is a controversial practice, yet it is a relatively understudied area. This special themed edition draws upon research from the international community with the aim of addressing issues related to coercion and involuntary admission. The issue covers topics such as community treatment orders, service users’ perspectives, alternative models of involving service users in their treatment, and future directions for coercion research. It is hoped that this edition will encourage funding and inspire future research on this important topic.
A randomized study of a smartphone application compared with booklet to improve service user’s knowledge of their legal rights
O’Donoghue B., Roche E., Naji A., Daly R., Madigan K., Cole I., Lyne J.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2017, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
BackgroundThe Mental Health Act 2001 has introduced significant changes to the process of admission to hospital for individuals affected by mental health disorders. This study aimed to determine whether a newly designed smartphone application could result in an improvement in service users’ knowledge of their rights compared with the paper booklet.MethodsThis was a randomized study conducted in an outpatient and day-hospital in North Dublin. Participants were randomized to receive the information booklet as either a smartphone application or in the paper form. A questionnaire which was scored from 0 to 10 was devised and was completed at baseline and at 1-week follow-up.ResultsA total of 42 individuals completed the baseline and follow-up questionnaire and of these, 53.7% were female and the mean age was 38.2 years (s.d.±13.5). A total of 34.1% had a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder, 29.3% had a depressive disorder and 22% had bipolar-affective disorder. The mean score before the intervention in the total group was 3.5 (s.d.±2.2) and this increased to 5.8 (s.d.±2.2) at follow-up. Participants randomized to the smartphone application improving by a mean of 2.5 (s.d.±2.5), while those randomized to the booklet improving by a mean of 2.3 (s.d.±2.6), which was not statistically significant.ConclusionsBoth forms of the information booklet showed improvement in service users’ knowledge of their legal rights. It is possible that each individual will have preference for either a paper form or a smartphone form and this study suggests that both forms should be offered to each individual service user.
Service users’ perspective of their admission: a report of study findings
O’Donoghue B., Roche E., Lyne J., Madigan K., Feeney L.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2016, цитирований: 8, doi.org, Abstract
ObjectivesThe ‘Service Users’ Perspective of their Admission’ study examined voluntarily and involuntarily admitted services users’ perception of coercion during the admission process and whether this was associated with factors such as the therapeutic alliance, satisfaction with services, functioning and quality of life. This report aims to collate the findings of the study.MethodsThe study was undertaken across three community mental health services in Ireland. Participants were interviewed before discharge and at 1 year using the MacArthur Admission Experience. Caregivers of participants were interviewed about their perception of coercion during the admission.ResultsA total of 161 service users were interviewed and of those admitted involuntarily, 42% experienced at least one form of physical coercion. Service users admitted involuntarily reported higher levels of perceived coercion and less procedural justice than those admitted voluntarily. A total of 22% of voluntarily admitted service users reported levels of perceived coercion comparable with involuntarily admitted service users and this was associated with treatment in a secure ward or being brought to hospital initially under mental health legislation. In comparison with the service user, caregivers tended to underestimate the level of perceived coercion. The level of procedural justice was moderately associated with the therapeutic relationship and satisfaction with services. After 1 year, 70% experienced an improvement in functioning and this was not associated with the accumulated level of coercive events, when controlled for confounders.ConclusionsThis study has provided valuable insights into the perceptions of coercion and can help inform future interventional studies aimed at reducing coercion in mental health services.
Mary Barkas: a New Zealand pioneer at the Maudsley
Kaplan R.M.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2016, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
ObjectiveAn account of the life of pioneer New Zealand psychiatrist Mary Barkas.ConclusionAt a time when women were rare in psychiatry, New Zealand-born Mary Barkas excelled. A pioneer in the early years of the Maudsley Hospital, Barkas demonstrated her versatility in organic psychiatry, psychoanalysis and child psychiatry. Her career was terminated at an early stage and her life took a puzzling turn after she returned to New Zealand in 1933. Many questions about this intriguing and accomplished psychiatrist need to be explored.
Arguments for transformational reform of mental health care for young people
McGorry P.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2014, цитирований: 8, doi.org
Illness characteristics and symptoms in an Irish early intervention for psychosis service
Lyne J.P., O’Donoghue B., Roche E., Behan C., Jordan I., Renwick L., Turner N., O’Callaghan E., Clarke M.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2014, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
ObjectivesStudy of illness characteristics and symptoms in a young population with psychosis can assist for understanding of their needs, and can inform service planning strategies. The aims of the current study were to describe illness characteristics and symptoms of a first episode psychosis (FEP) sample aged 25 years and under, and compare with a sample aged over 25 years.MethodsInterviews were conducted for 437 individuals aged 16–65 years presenting with suspected psychosis between 2005 and 2012 in a defined catchment area (population of 390 000) using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV to determine the presence of a psychosis diagnosis. Individuals with confirmed psychosis were assessed using standardised instruments to determine illness characteristics at first presentation.ResultsAmong the 25 years, and under FEP sample, 23.9% had their first onset of symptoms (prodromal or psychotic) before 18 years of age. After controlling for confounders, the sample aged 25 years and under had a significantly shorter log transformed duration of untreated psychosis (p=0.002), more negative symptoms (p=0.045) and greater frequency of comorbid cannabis abuse diagnosis (p=0.027).ConclusionsSymptom onset in a youth FEP sample frequently occurs before age 18 years. Certain illness characteristics differed across the age categories, such as greater negative symptoms and cannabis abuse in the youth sample. Overall, the findings support the provision of adequate strategies for management of negative symptom deficits and substance abuse across all ages in FEP.
Childhood trauma and functional disability in psychosis, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder: a review of the literature
Cotter J., Kaess M., Yung A.R.
Cambridge University Press
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2014, цитирований: 61, Обзор, doi.org, Abstract
ObjectivesWe aimed to examine the association between childhood trauma and functional impairment in psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, to speculate on possible mechanisms that underlie this association and discuss the implications for clinical work.MethodsNarrative review of the peer-reviewed English language literature in the area.ResultsHigh rates of childhood trauma in psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder were identified. This was associated with impaired social and occupational functioning in both the premorbid and established phases of each of these psychiatric disorders over and above the deficits typically observed in these populations. Possible mechanisms mediating this relationship include neurocognitive deficits, insecure attachment, higher rates of comorbidities and problems with adherence and response to treatment.ConclusionsRoutine clinical inquiry about childhood maltreatment should be adopted within mental health settings. This has potentially important treatment implications for identifying those individuals at elevated risk of functional disability. While there is no clear guidance currently available on how to target childhood trauma in the treatment of psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder, there are several promising lines of enquiry and further research is warranted.
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