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Table of Contents
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
An Integrated Model for Strategic Management in Dynamic Industries: Qualitative Research from Taiwan's Passive-Component Industry
Tsai S.D., Hong-quei C., Valentine S.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 3, doi.org
Call for Papers - Emergence: Complexity & Organisation
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Submission Information
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
About the Authors
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Understanding Public Service Systems: Is There a Role for Complex Adaptive Systems Theory?
Rhodes M.L., MacKechnie G.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 28, doi.org
The Impact of Boundary Spanning on Organizational Learning: Computational Explorations
Hazy J.K., Tivnan B.F.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 11, doi.org
Evolution, Emergence, and Learning in Complex Systems
Allen P.M., Strathern M.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 24, doi.org, Abstract
(2003). Evolution, Emergence, and Learning in Complex Systems. Emergence: Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 8-33.
Editor's Note
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Reconciling Complexity Theory in Organizations and Christian Spirituality
Dent E.B.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
The Redefinition of Memes: Ascribing Meaning to an Empty Cliché
Lissack M.R.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 12, doi.org
Complexity and the Role of Ethics in Health Care
Mills A.E., Rorty M.V., Werhane P.H.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 6, doi.org
Table of Contents
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Editor's Note
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
The Dark Side of Organizations and a Method to Reveal It
Bella D.E., King J.B., Kailin D.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 8, doi.org
About the Authors
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Submission Information
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Using the Creative Problem Solving Profile (CPSP) for Diagnosing and Solving Real-World Problems
Basadur M., Gelade G.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 10, doi.org
Open Source as a Complex Adaptive System
Muffatto M., Faldani M.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
The concepts of complexity prevalent at various historical times have influenced the frames of mind with which organizations and the models of social planning and organizational design have been analyzed. During the Industrial Revolution, the model of organizational design derived from the conceptual model of the machine. In this model, the concept of the hierarchical control of functions prevailed. The consequent approach was top-down thinking. Much of the organizational theory of the twentieth century was based on determinism, reductionism, and equilibrium as key principles. If an organization is conceived of as a machine, the control of the organization is obtained through a reduction in its complexity; that is, in the states of the machine or its variety. The Information Revolution and the development of networks have produced phenomena such as the growing connection between elements that are often extremely different from one another (computers, people, even smart objects). This has led to phenomena that cannot be planned according to a top-down logic, but, on the contrary, “emerge” from interactions between elements and therefore “from the bottom.” The approach most suitable for analyzing these phenomena is bottom-up thinking. If in the past the world could be represented as a machine, today it is represented as a network and increasingly as an ecosystem. The Internet, for example, can be considered not only as a technological infrastructure and a social practice, but also as a new way of thinking related to the concepts of freedom of access and diffusion of knowledge. Furthermore, the
Table of Contents
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Editor's Note
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
About the Authors
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 0, doi.org
Of Ants and Men: Self-Organized Teams in Human and Insect Organizations
Anderson C., McMillan E.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 10, doi.org
Models without Morals: Toward the Ethical Use of Business Models
Lissack M.R., Richardson K.A.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 13, doi.org
Differences in Additive Complexity between Biological Evolution and the Progress of Human Knowledge
Geisler E., Ritter B.
Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 2003, цитирований: 5, doi.org
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