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Development of an effective monitoring and analysis system of modern technologies for the agro-industrial complex development in mountainous areas
Serdechnaya Y., Serdechnyy D., Korchagin S., Andriyanov N.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2024, цитирований: 0,
open access Open access ,
doi.org, Abstract
Production volumes of the Russian agro-industrial complex (AIC) increased by 61% from 2016 to 2022, while plans for self-sufficiency were exceeded in many indicators of food security, and since 2020 exports have shown stable growth, exceeding imports. In the domestic agricultural sector, especially in the remote mountainous regions of the Urals, Altai, and the Caucasus, there are a number of scientific and technical tasks that can be solved through the use of digital technologies. When implementing such solutions, they should take into account the changing employment structure, minimize the negative effects of digital transformation, increase the productivity of mining agriculture, the level and quality of life in the territory of implementation. The development of an effective key information parsing system is of high importance for monitoring and analyzing modern technologies for the development of the agro-industrial complex of mountainous territories, which in turn is a complex and dynamic area, including many interrelated components – from agricultural practices to infrastructure, technology and social factors. The data parser will allow you to systematically monitor an extensive pool of information and identify key trends, relationships and patterns in the development of modern agricultural technologies. In the context of rapid technological changes, it is important to have a tool that allows you to quickly analyze new information from various sources – scientific publications, news, industry reports. The parsing system ensures timely collection, structuring and analysis of relevant data. The system analysis of data obtained through the parser can provide decision makers with valuable analytical information, which will allow them to justify management decisions related to investments, policy development, and innovation in the agro-industrial complex of mountainous territories. The parser can also be used to monitor successful practices and technological solutions in agriculture applied in other regions or countries. Such solutions will allow identifying promising options for technology transfer and adaptation to local conditions. It is also worth noting that the parsing system can be in demand by the scientific community as a tool for data collection and analysis for fundamental and applied research in the field of agricultural development, including technology efficiency assessment, scenario modeling and forecasting. Materials and methods. As part of the study, a digital platform is proposed for use, which, through a data parsing tool, will allow automated monitoring of advanced technologies for the agro-industrial complex. The research methodology includes the following stages: selection and integration of data sources; development of a database structure for storing and analyzing information; creation of an algorithm for processing and analyzing data, including machine learning and text analysis methods; testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the parser on real data. Results. An analysis of digital platforms for solving the problems of modern agriculture was carried out, and a data parsing tool was developed that will allow automated monitoring of advanced technologies for agriculture in mountainous areas, the parser can be used to collect data for the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of mountainous territories. The application of language models in parsing systems of advanced agricultural technologies is also considered. The combination of a deep understanding of natural language, the ability to identify hidden patterns, information structuring and visualization skills, as well as predictive capabilities allows us to develop an effective tool for analyzing and making informed management decisions in agriculture in mountainous areas. Discussion. When working with large amounts of information about the state and dynamics of technology development in modern agriculture, decision support systems can not only quickly analyze publications and news, but also present key indicators in an interactive form. In addition, the language model is able to build predictive scenarios for the development of the economy based on the studied data, helping to make effective management decisions. In general, the introduction of advanced language models into data parsing systems for the agro-industrial complex of mountainous territories opens up unique opportunities for rapid, comprehensive and comprehensive analysis of significant amounts of information about technologies and performance indicators. Conclusion. The article presents the results of research on tools for searching and systematizing targeted information about advanced and applicable agricultural technologies in mountainous regions. The concept of a digital parser tool is presented, which will continuously scan current sources of information: scientific publications, expert blogs, industry media and databases to identify new developments, innovations and technological trends. Resume. The article presents the results of research on tools for searching and systematizing targeted information about advanced and applicable agricultural technologies in mountainous regions. The concept of a digital parser tool is presented, which will continuously scan current sources of information: scientific publications, expert blogs, industry media and databases to identify new developments, innovations and technological trends. Suggestions for practical applications and directions for future research. The research results can be useful in solving the tasks of monitoring and analyzing modern agricultural technologies based on information from open or closed-targeted information sources. Such solutions will make it possible to identify promising options for technology transfer and adaptation. The developed parsing system can be in demand by the scientific community as a data collection and analysis tool for fundamental and applied research in the field of agricultural development, including technology efficiency assessment, scenario modeling and forecasting.
Acidic sulphate water influence on terricon soil pollution in the Karabash ore district
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2023, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. Technogenic mineral formations are one of the potential sources of pollutants, including heavy metals. On the territory of the Karabash ore district as a result of copper and cobalt ore mining, waste rock heaps are formed and stored. As a result, under the influence of acidic precipitation, oxidation of the surface part of the spoil heap occurs, and the formed products, among which there are heavy metals, are transported by water and aeolian streams to the adjacent landscapes. Methods and materials of research. In the course of work investigated the spoil heap formed by wastes of the mine «Tsentralnaya» in Karabash, Chelyabinsk region. Sampling from the surface of the spoil heap, as well as soil samples with distance from it. The mineralogical composition was determined in the rocks of the heap by X-ray diffraction with Cu-Kα-radiation and crystal mono chromator. Quantitative content of heavy metals was carried out by X-ray spectral method. The reaction of the medium and carbon content of organic matter, as well as the gross content of mobile and water-soluble forms of heavy metals were determined by inversion voltammetry method. According to the results of quantitative analysis of heavy metals in soils, the coefficient of total pollution - Zc was calculated. Research results and discussion. As a result of laboratory analyses, the lithological composition of the main rocks of the spoil heap was determined, which is represented by the main two types: 1) altered quartz-chlorite-sericite schist; 2) highly transformed rocks with no discernible primary mineral composition. The first type contains mainly quartz, feldspars, mica, chlorite and pyrite. The mineralogical composition of the second group is represented by silicates and alumina silicates with gypsum, hydro-arosite and calcium sulphate. Oxidation and limonitization of spoil heap rocks is going on everywhere. In the chemical composition of spoil heaps, predominant are macro-elements Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Na, P, their concentration ranges from 0.13 to 20.38 %, also present in high concentrations of S 0.27-12.31 %, As 0.007-0.11 % and Zn 0.026-0.087 %. All other elements are less than 0.01 %. As a result of rock oxidation such heavy metals as Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu migrate from dumps in the form of sulphates, which is promoted by lowering the pH of the environment. It is revealed that soils located in the depression, on the way of hydro-genic flows, are geochemical barriers for heavy metals. The gross content of heavy metals in soils varies within high limits. Maximum concentrations were recorded in 0-10 cm layer in organogenic and grey humus horizons:Zn - 2890 mg/kg; Cd - 32 mg/kg; Pb - 1270 mg/kg; Cu - 3060 mg/kg. In the vicinity of the spoil heap, relatively high content of mobile forms of heavy metals was recorded inside the soil profile, in the surface layers of soils, with distance from the spoil heap. With distance from the heap, the share of mobile forms decreases in 2 - 2.5 times. The content of water-soluble forms of heavy metals increases with depth in the most remote soils from the spoil heap. In the course of calculations of the total coefficient of soil pollution, it follows that the soils have excessively dangerous and hazardous level of pollution. Conclusion. Thus, in the course of studies of the spoil heap of the mine «Tsentralnaya» of the Karabash ore district, the direct influence of the dumping mass on the contamination of soils of the surrounding areas by migration of heavy metals from the surface of the spoil heap by hydro-genic runoff was established. As a result, rock heterogeneities, less soluble, partially restrain the oxidation rate, forming reducing conditions. The elemental composition of the rocks showed a high content of heavy metals, making this waste rock a source of heavy metals to the surrounding environment. Resume. The instability and heterogeneity of the ongoing geochemical processes in the waste rock mass of the slag heap has been revealed, which leads to leaching of the rock mass slowly over time. Spreading of products of destruction of mineral mass of the spoil heap can be traced in soils up to 800 metres away. As a result of hydro-genic flows from the spoil heap, the soils, have a dangerous and extremely dangerous degree of contamination. As suggestions for practical application and direction of future research, the importance of this work can be noted, which can serve as a foundation for the study of such technogenic mineral formations with a view to their secondary utilization, as well as for determining the most appropriate methods of remediation of contaminated soils.
Chemozem formation under conditions of prolong exposure to aero-industrial emissions from a mining and smelting plant
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2023, цитирований: 0,
open access Open access ,
doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. The mining and processing industry, as one of the complex, high energy-consuming production processes is the most problematic from an environmental point of view. As a result of processing raw materials from ore, a huge amount of waste of practically all types, solid, liquid and gaseous, is generated. In some areas, tones of slag dumps and tailings are stored, which in one way or another are exposed to external impact and are transported by Aeolian streams to the adjacent environment. Hydrogenic surface runoff is also formed from the surface of dumps and the territory of enterprises with atmospheric precipitation, and gas-dust emissions flying into the atmosphere are deposited on the nearby landscapes. In aggregate, all the above mentioned technogenic flows carry pollutants, including heavy metals, which accumulate in the depositing environments, changing them in one way or another. Thus, for more than 100 years, in the Soymanovskaya Valley of the Chelyabinsk Region, as a result of the Karabashmed Copper Smelting Plant, soils and other landscape components have been undergoing changes under the influence of anthropogenic flows. Research methods and materials. As a result of this work, in order to study the impact of air-industrial emissions of the plant on the soil cover, soil samples were taken both from the adjacent landscapes in the vicinity of the plant and at a distance of more than 20 km from the source of gas-dust emissions. In the selected soil samples, the determination of the main physical and chemical parameters of soils was carried out: pH, Sorg content, exchangeable calcium and magnesium cations. To identify the degree of contamination of the territory, the gross content of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mn was determined by atomic adsorption spectroscopy. According to the obtained data of heavy metals content in the surface layer of soils, the total pollution coefficient was calculated. Research results. In the course of works, it was determined that in the lower illuvial horizons of soils of natural and anthropogenic landscapes the concentrations of heavy metals are practically at the same level. In the upper layers of soils, a significant difference with excess of heavy metal concentrations in soils of anthropogenic landscapes in comparison with soils of background areas was recorded, which may indicate the entry of pollution from the surface. Soils with a small thickness of profile (up to 45 cm), located near the mill, have a fully contaminated profile, from the surface to the lower horizons, as a result of which these soils are transformed into chemozems. With the distance from the mill a sharp decrease of concentrations to values close to background was revealed, even within the city limits. The obtained calculations of the total pollution coefficient Zc, indicate that all chemozems have skillfully dangerous and extremely dangerous category of pollution. Background soils have acceptable category of pollution. When comparing background soils and chemozems located in the zone of intensive anthropogenic load, it is established that there is no influence of bedrock on soil profile modification and transformation. In the lower horizons of such soils, both in chemozems and background soils, physico-chemical parameters practically do not change. Comparative analysis of the upper soil stratum showed significant exceedances of concentrations in comparison with clark and background content. Exceedances relative to these values are 50 times for Cd, 40 times for Cu, 45 times for Pb and 30 times for Zn. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted researches it was proved that the influence of air-industrial emissions of the combine on the transformation of native soils and formation of chemozems from them. This circumstance occurs for more than 100 years, as a result of the Karabash area, anomalous zones with high concentrations of heavy metals are formed, which directly changes the regional background. The results of the research can be useful in adjusting the regional geochemical background of heavy metals, making geochemical maps of the degree of soil contamination, as well as can serve as a basis for the development of measures to eliminate the degree of soil contamination.
Prospects of nitrogen removal from mine drainage by micro-algae in northern environments
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2023, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
The hydrochemical studies assessed the area affected by one of the largest mineral pro-cessing facilities of the Kola Peninsula (Russia), the Olcon Mining and Processing Plant. Based on the results of the laboratory analyzes, nitrate ion was found to be the major contaminant of the quarry waters. Discharge of untreated waste water leads to nitrogen pollution of the natural waters of the region and, as a consequence, disruption of the functioning of hydroecosystems. To address the environmental issue, the authors proposed an effective method for the biological treatment of nitrogencontaining mine drainage. The key point is the implementation of the Chlorella kessleri microalgae into the existing treatment system. The research describes in vitro studies of the purification process on model solutions and presents the major findings. Besides, a technological solution is proposed for the application of the treatment technique for the studied pit waters. The higher efficiency of waste water purification will not only prevent further pollution of natural waters but also raise the living standards of local communities by improving the environmental situation in the area. The outcomes of theoretical studies and laboratory experiments open up the prospect of using the biological treatment technique for nitrogen removal from wastewater in the polar mining regions.
Analysis of factors affecting the coal seams distribution permeability in the southern part of the Tutuyasskaya Area of the Kuznetsk Basin, Russia
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. The gradual depletion of hydrocarbon condensate fields is already forcing the industry to pay attention to those sources, which are included to the off-spec and difficult to recover categories. Therefore, the study of reservoir permeability, associated with the pore-fractured structure of coal, is the most important parameter in the unconventional gas resources development, which determines both economic efficiency and approaches to the development of such deposits. In this regard, the investigation on permeability distribution of coal seams over an area is critical to fairway selection and coal bed methane resource assessment. The research objective. The factors analysis that affect the permeability value change of the Tutuyasskaya area, situated in the southern part of the Kuznetsk Basin in Russian Federation. Materials and methods. Within the framework of the research, target coal seams were selected that have sufficient data for the permeability primary assessment. As a result of wells exploration drilling in the productive coal seams intervals, core sampling was carried out by removable core and gas sampler to investigate their methane content, as well as sampling for technological, sorption and petro graphic analysis. Results. The primary visual assessment allows to conclude that a high (for unconventional reservoir) permeability is predicted almost equally in all the investigated coal seams. For a more specific assessment of the predicted endogenous fracturing and permeability of the target coal seams, the results of petro graphic analysis were used. Therefore, high permeability values were almost equally expected in all the investigated coal seams because of the dominated vitrinite group minerals, a medium coal rank and a developed network of endogenous fractures. Dynamic well tests were used to quantify the filtration parameters of coal seams and permeability. The results obtained showed a different amount of coal seams permeability despite the same tendency to high permeability. Moreover, the permeability of coal seams in the southern part of the Tutuyasskaya area of Kuzbass does not depend on the depth of the seam, but on the main stresses acting in the rock mass, the influence of exogenous fracturing and the presence of a faults near the penetrated coal seam. The results of 1D geo-mechanical modeling allowed to conclude that higher permeability values of the investigated coal seams are associated with a minimal difference between geostatic and horizontal stresses with conditions of almost equilateral volumetric compression. Furthermore, lower permeability values can be explained by the influence of exogenous fracturing, which reduces filtration characteristics. Conclusions. The analysis of cores from investigated wells in the southern part of the Tutuyasskaya area of Kuzbass showed the tendency to high permeability of the coal seams as for unconventional reservoirs. Dynamic well tests of coal seams have shown that the primary assessment of permeability does not agree with its quantitative determination and depends not on the depth of the coal seams, but on the main stresses acting in the rock mass, the influence of exogenous fracturing and the presence of a faults near the penetrated coal seam. Moreover, the one-dimensional geo-mechanical modeling allowed to conclude that high permeability values of the investigated coal seams are associated with a minimal difference between geostatic and horizontal stresses. Suggestions for the future research. The results of this research can be used in the design of coal seam degassing works for productive coal mines in order to extract coal bed methane in advance and also can be used in the future methodological frameworks development for choosing locations of wells extracting coal bed methane. Furthermore, the advanced further research direction is the evaluation of the efficiency of the coal bed methane usage in an effort to solve the urgent environmental and economic problems in the Kuznetsk Basin.
The role of the mining and processing enterprise in the formation of techno-geochemical anomalies of arsenic in the soils of the Soymonovskaya Valley (Southern Urals)
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 0,
open access Open access ,
doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. The heterogeneity of soil cover of mountainous areas carries in itself the specific formation of technogeochemical anomalies in the areas of metallurgical combines, and the remoteness and inaccessibility of these areas requires detailed studies of the processes of pollutants in the soil and mechanisms of their behavior. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of aero-industrial emissions from the copper smelter on the formation of techno-geochemical anomalies of arsenic in soils and its spatial distribution. Methods and materials of the research. Studies were conducted in the area of the Karabash copper smelter (KMC), located in the southern Urals (Russia), Chelyabinsk region, one of the main pollutants of soils is arsenic, which is formed in the Soymanovskaya Valley and adjacent landscapes techno-geochemical soil anomalies. In the course of works 25 soil sections were laid at different distances and directions from KMC, taking into account the specific geo-morphological features of the territory. In the selected soil samples we determined the acidity of the salt extract, the content of organic matter, granulometric composition, gross content of arsenic and its exchangeable form. Determination of arsenic was carried out by atomic adsorption spectrometry (AA-6800 Shimadzu). To identify the dependence of arsenic concentration in the upper 0-15 cm of the soil thickness with the distance from the CMC was carried out to calculate the Pearson coefficient and the concentration coefficient (Kc). Research results and discussion. The study area was divided into 5 zones depending on the distance from CMC. Excess concentrations of gross arsenic relative to the background content varies from 64 times in the 2 km zone to 3 times at a distance of more than 10 km. Maximum concentrations were recorded in the upper 0-15 cm of the soil thickness in the 2 km zone. The exchangeable form of arsenic has a specific accumulation near the combine, with a distance of more than 10 km from the combine, there is a tendency to reduce the content of this form, to a complete absence. In the intraprofile distribution there is a pattern of accumulation in the upper 0-15 cm of the soil layer, with depth significantly decreasing. Conclusions. Patterns in the spatial distribution of arsenic in soils based on the distance from the emission of aeroindustrial emissions were revealed. Maps of the spatial distribution of gross arsenic and exchange forms in the soils of the study area. It was determined that an important role in the formation of techno-geochemical anomalies plays pH of the environment. During the calculation of Ks revealed local areas that form anomalous halos dispersion, which are confined mainly to places near the CMC and the direction of the prevailing winds. Two local areas were identified for which the Kc values are more than 50. Pearson criterion calculations confirm the dependence of the spatial distribution of arsenic in soils on the wind rose. The results may be useful in the preparation of geochemical maps of arsenic distribution. In the prediction of local and radial differentiation of arsenic in other regions with similar activity of the combine, as well as in the correction of the regional geochemical background of arsenic in soils.
Analysis and comprehensive evaluation of gas-dynamic processes in coal mines using the methods of the theory of probability and math statistics analysis
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. The article discusses the technical distribution system of gas-dynamic and aero-dynamic processes in coal mines, characterized by: the uniqueness of modes, linearity, dynamism, variability of parameters and variable operating conditions. An analysis and a comprehensive assessment of gas-dynamic and aero-dynamic processes in coal mines is being carried out. Research tasks: to develop a methodology for the analysis and comprehensive assessment of gas-dynamic and aerodynamic processes in coal mines using the methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory. Research objectives. Conduct an analysis of gas-dynamic and aero-dynamic processes in coal mines. Results of the research. The dynamic properties of ventilation objects in normal operation can be described by integrodifferential equations. Analysis and evaluation of experimental data on the distribution of gas-dynamic and aerodynamic processes confirmed that the technical air supply system for coal mines is a dynamic link with an inverted effect. The developed methodology for the analysis and comprehensive assessment of gas-dynamic and aerodynamic processes in coal mines using the methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory made it possible to obtain a generalized expression for the transfer functions of ventilation objects, taking into account the delay, and to describe the dynamic properties of mining sites under various ventilation modes. It has been experimentally established that the linearized dynamic characteristics of mining sites in the ventilation mode, when the transient gas-dynamic process has the form of a «burst» of methane concentration, can be described by integro-differential equations.
Waste management system of an industrial enterprise as an element of the ecological standard of the coal mining region
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 0,
open access Open access ,
doi.org, Abstract
Introduction. The most important modern trend is the development of a «green» economy, especially in terms of efficient management of production and consumption waste. The infrastructural component of such a process is the development and adoption of a regional environmental standard that defines the model for the operation of enterprises that use natural resources and authorities in conditions of increased man-made load on the environment. This problem is extremely urgent for the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass because of the decisive role of coal mining and coal processing in the successful functioning of the region. Purpose of the work. To develop a waste management system for an industrial enterprise, as an element of the environmental standard of a coal-mining region. Research methods. The theoretical part of research includes the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature on the innovative organizational and technological solutions aimed at the efficiency of production and consumption waste management. The practical part of work was built on statistical processing of the official ecological data of the enterprise on production and consumption waste. Research results. A waste management system for an industrial enterprise is developed, which can be effectively integrated into the environmental standard of a coal-mining region to ensure its sustainable development. Conclusions. The developed waste management system, as an element of the environmental standard of a coalmining region, can be used by environmental authorities to determine the vector of development of a particular territory in the region in the field of waste management. The use of this algorithm by the enterprise will reduce the complexity of choosing the optimal environmentally friendly managerial solution aimed at reducing the anthropogenic load and increasing its economic performance.
Sensory taste assessment of Gayo Volcano Arabica Coffee of variety using the analytical hierarchy process method
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Volcano arabica coffee is one of the best coffee derived from Gayo Highlands, Aceh Province, Indonesia. That coffee was cultivated in a volcanic region, therefore as known as Gayo volcano arabica coffee. Several varieties from Gayo volcano arabica coffee were included Borbor, Timtim, and P88. Gayo volcano arabica coffee was a low caffeine coffee with a taste exceeding the Blue Mountain coffee from Jamaica which was determined using sensory assessment. This study aims to conduct a sensory taste assessment from Gayo volcano arabica coffee variety using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method. The AHP method is one of the easiest methods to produce an output calculated based on the input and weight value. Sensory assessment criteria have consisted the flavour, sweetness, aftertaste, body, and acidity. The preference for the best criteria based on the panellists was included taste (0.280), then the sweet criteria (0.253), after tasting (0.212); body (0.140); and acidity (0.115). The estimation was tested with a consistency ratio under 0.1 (10%). The results of the sensory assessment of the acceptance of Gayo volcano arabica coffee products showed that the P-88 variety with full-wash processing (0.206) was the product with the highest approval. Then followed by the Borbor variety with full-wash (0.176) and semi-wash processing (0.166), then the Timtim variety with semi-wash (0.166) and full-wash processing (0.164). The P-88 variety with semi-wash processing (P88) was the product with the lowest level of acceptance by the panellists. This finding was most important for the commercial development of arabica volcano coffee in the future. The varieties associated with the highest acceptable taste became the better necessary varieties to cultivation and developt for farmers and agroindustry.
Aerological risk management in preparation mining of coal mines
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 9, doi.org, Abstract
Objective. The purpose of the research is to assess the indicators of aerological risk in the development workings of highly gas-rich coal mines. Introduction. The results of a retrospective analysis are presented, substantiating that the vast majority of explosions of dust-methane-air mixtures occur in development workings, and 63.8% of their gassing with methane to explosive concentrations is associated with ventilation disorders. Methodology. The assessment of aerological risk consists in the calculation of some indicators that reflect the measure of danger, in which an accident may occur, caused by the excess of the values of the mine atmosphere parameters in comparison with the normative ones. Indicators of the main hazards and vulnerability of ventilation schemes and methods make up the general structure of risk in development workings. Results. The methodological bases for assessing and forecasting the aerological risk of accidents in development workings are presented. A formula for calculating the predictive indicator of aerological risk is given. In accordance with the methodology, it is possible to quantify the reduction in the level of aerological risk when managing outgassing with the help of degassing. Discussion. Calculations have shown that the schemes and methods of ventilation of dead-end workings, in which there is a large degree of influence of the activity of mixing gases in the bottomhole zone and a small degree of influence of the exhaust gas zone on ventilation, are the most effective, with a normal level of safety. The values of the predicted upper-air risk indicator reach unity for the schemes and methods of ventilation of dead-end workings with a low degree of gas mixing activity in the bottomhole zone and a high degree of influence of the exhaust gas zone on ventilation, which indicates an extremely high level of explosiveness. Conclusions. Application of the developed methodology allows not only forecasting aerological risks during design, but also justification of aerological safety.
Development of a method for analyzing and evaluating the optimal state of aerogasodynamic processes in coal mines
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
The article deals with the state of aerogasdynamic processes in coal mines. With centralized automatic control and management of mine ventilation using a control system, in the circuit of which application software is used, the choice of a rational period for collecting information received from controlled objects is of great importance.The object of automatic control in a coal mine are the parameters characterizing the state of the mine atmosphere - methane concentration, air flow, temperature and parameters of the ventilation network (depression and aerodynamic resistance). All controlled parameters characterize the state of the atmosphere. Research goal. The purpose of the research is to develop a method for analyzing and evaluating the optimal state of aerogasdynamic processes in coal mines. Research objectives. Conduct an analysis of the optimal state of aero- gasdynamic processes and adapt the method at coal industry enterprises. Research results. Studies have been carried out on the duration of the observation interval for the modes of movement of air and gas through the goaf and bottom-hole space of the production area, to ensure the specified accuracy in determining the values for the implementation of non-stationary gas-dynamic processes. It is determined that the resulting systems of equations describing the unsteady modes of air and gas movement through the mined-out and bottom-hole space of the mining area from the standpoint of hydrodynamics with subsequent simplification of these equations based on the assumptions made. Using the results of the experiments, for the process of methane concentration, a realization length of 1 day was chosen, since during this time at least one complete production cycle has time to complete in the longwall. The duration of this cycle significantly exceeds the value of the maximum measurement interval ∆tβ = 30 min., for which it is still advisable in practice to determine the modes of movement of air and gas through the mined-out and bottom-hole space of the production area. The research results are recommended for use in the design of efficient air supply schemes in the mining areas of coal mines and the correct placement of regulators to take into account the concentration of methane in the flow of consumed air.
Losses and drying normalization with a level-chamber development system with following laying
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2022, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Ensuring the sustainable development of mining territories is impossible without the rational use of natural resources – minerals during their extraction and primary processing. So, at the stage of mining operations, it is necessary to establish the normative value of losses and dilution of minerals. This value is determined taking into account mining and geological, technological, economic, organizational factors. The normative value of losses and dilution ensures the maximum possible economic effect from the applied geotechnology and primary processing of recoverable reserves. In addition, in order to implement full-fledged rationing, it is necessary to identify the main types of losses and dilution and establish the causes of their formation. The researchers found that the normalization of recovery indicators is possible in the case of searching for the level of losses and dilution at the contact of the deposit, that is, when these indicators are interdependent. For the conditions of most deposits with almost any method and system of development, this is the only type of normalized losses and dilution. The only exceptions are underground mining systems with the collapse of ore and host rocks. All other extraction indicators are determined analytically, experimentally, statistically, by direct measurement. For the conditions of development of the Novo-Uchalinsky deposit by underground geotechnology, the main types of extraction indicators are identified, their causes are established, recommendations are given for determining their magnitude and rationing. Thus, losses in the array and in the beaten form are highlighted, such as losses due to the complexity of the contact and in the corners of the camera, losses on the bottom of the camera and in the baseboards. Dilution occurs in the following types – from the complexity of contact, vaulting in the roof of the chamber, laying on the side of neighboring chambers, from mixing rock in rock dykes. Rationing is carried out by losses and dilution due to the complexity of the contact, in addition, it is possible to normalize dilution by laying on the side of neighboring chambers, since it is possible to establish the optimal contour of the projected chamber on contact with neighboring laid ones. Losses in the corners of the chamber, “in the baseboards”, dilution from vaulting in the roof of the chamber are determined analytically; losses on the bottom of the chamber, dilution by laying from neighboring chambers – experimentally; by direct measurement by geophysical methods, the parameters of the dikes of empty rocks are determined to establish the amount of dilution from mixing the rock in the rock dikes. The actual level of losses and dilution of ore after the mining of the dredging unit is provided equal to the standard with strict execution of the development system and technology of the main production processes.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
The growth in the power supply and the development of a mechanized complex of mining districts in coal mines has an impact on the characteristics of their power consumption. The improvement of coal mining technologies affects the servicing factor of mining machines, and the introduction of a modern variable-frequencyelectric drive can affect the dynamics of changes in electrical loads. Cited in the literature, the characteristics of the electrical load of the excavation districts of coal mines were obtained in the XX century and are outdated. To make adequate technical solutions in the design and management of power supply systems for coal mines, it is necessary to update these characteristics. Implementation of the SCADA system in coal mines makes it possible to obtain a large amount of measurement information that can be processed using modern methods of working with big data. The purpose of this work is a comparative analysis of the statistical characteristics of the electrical load of the modern Eickhoff SL 900 shearer with similar characteristics of the shearers used in the 1980s. The measurement data is collected using the SCADA system of a coal mine and includes measurements of the current, the shearer speed and the conveyor traffic flow. The measurement period covers 72 days. After the initial processing of the measurements, data arrays were formed with a time interval of 5 seconds. As a result of statistical processing of the arrays of measurements, the following characteristics of the shearer were determined: cycle time; work time; downtime; cyclic duration factor (CDF); time utilization degree (ηТ); coefficient of variation (CV). Comparative analysis of the listed characteristics showed that the SL 900 shearer has a significantly longer duration of operation and the time utilization degreein comparison with shearers of the 1960-1970s. Correlation analysis of the electrical load of the shearer with the shearer speed and the conveyor traffic flow showed a weak relationship, from which it was concluded that the dynamics of the change in the longwall shearer electrical load is mainly determined by the presence of solid inclusions in the destroyed coal mass.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 0,
open access Open access ,
doi.org, Abstract
Purpose: to present a systematic analysis of the parameters of sustainable development of the coal-mining region (on the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass) in the light of the growing environmental problems and the strengthening of external shocks. Methods: the methods of comparative analysis, grouping, and analogy were used that were implemented on the basis of the data of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being. Results and discussion: identified in the course of the analysis, the problems of a technological, scientific, educational, social nature in the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass, having a pronounced tendency to increase, are due to the specifics of the functioning of the region, which is manifested in the consolidation of the raw materials orientation against the background of the curtailment of the scale of the processing sector, and in it – high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries, degradation of cultural and educational values, often neglect of environmental and moral norms, as well as the formation of consumer behavior of business owners. All this together determines the growth of existing environmental threats, and also determines the high susceptibility of the regional economy to the impact of increasingly emerging external challenges, the main of which is the high volatility of export prices for coal. In the context of a deteriorating environmental situation in coal-mining regions, their sustainable socio-economic development should be determined by the increasing role of social, scientific, innovative and cultural and educational determinants in the context of the regulatory parameter – environmental feasibility and safety. Thus, a positive impact on the sustainable development of an industrial region can be ensured by the deployment of cultural and educational activities, which, in turn, activates scientific and innovative development, creating prerequisites for the diversification of industrial production and, as a result, the growth of social well-being through changes in the social structure and structure. employment. In turn, the improvement of social well-being, the quality of life of the population determines stable trends towards an increase in economic efficiency, forming a stable demand for innovative products and technologies. Reverse processes contribute to the development of trends of a degenerative type, characterized by the primitivization of industrial production, an increase in the share of low-skilled labor, which breaks the positive chain of ensuring sustainable economic development, contributing to the deterioration of environmental conditions. Conclusions: the article presents a systematic analysis of the parameters of sustainable development of the economy of the coal-mining region (on the example of the Kemerovo region-Kuzbass). As the main input parameters, the authors consider: economic efficiency, social well-being, scientific and innovative development, cultural and educational activities, the action of which is determined through mutual influence, having a positive or negative impact on the development of the region. Taking into account the growing environmental problems in the regions of raw material orientation and their direct impact on all spheres of life, each of the selected parameters is studied in the context of the regulatory parameter – environmental feasibility and safety – the fundamental basis for the sustainable development of coal mining regions.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Flood is represented as one of the most destructive natural hazards to humankind. Assessing and predicting floods hazard is necessary to offer appropriate solutions for flood mitigation and sustainable environmental management. It is only possible when the main criteria that contributed to creating the flood hazard are pointed out. The purpose of the current research was to choose and attribute scores to all various flood-causing factors in the Lam river basin. Firstly, the Delphi method was applied to the expertbased survey to choose six key parameters that led to the floods, including rainfall, slope, relative slope length, drainage density, land cover, and soil. Then, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach is employed as an effective tool to obtain a better understanding of all the factors or indicator contributions in the flood process based on weight given to each of six flood influencing elements. The consistency analyses revealed that the findings were coherent and consistent with a previous study. It is also interesting to notice that rainfall and slope are the most prominent flood occurrence criteria with 45% and 25.5%, respectively. However, the influence of other factors (drainage density, relative slope length, land cover, and soil) is not visible. These parameters are assigned to the small weights and do not have a significant influence on the flood phenomenon. The study results provide baseline information, which needs to be taken into account to mitigate and control floods.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 4, doi.org, Abstract
The article examines a complex technical system on the example of air supply of coal mines, characterized by: multicomponent, a large number of quantitative and qualitative parameters, nonlinearity of interdependencies between them; incompleteness of information, the complexity of experimental research, the risks of dangerous situations and the catastrophic nature of their consequences; the uniqueness of the modes and conditions of the systems functioning. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for assessing and analyzing the aerodynamic parameters of air flows for the effective selection of air supply schemes in coal mines using the decomposition method. Research methodology: the solution of the set tasks is based on modern methods of mathematical statistics; graph theory; decision theory; apparatus of mathematical logic; factor analysis; mathematical modeling; set theory; reliability theory and systems analysis. Research results. A method for the analysis and analytical modeling of complex technical systems of variable structure (CTS VS) is developed, focused on the features of these systems and their processes in conditions of incomplete information, different quality data on their state and functioning, which differs from the known ones by a combination of the capabilities of analytical and statistical approaches to the construction of CTS VS models, which allows to adapt to changes in systemic and external factors, improve the accuracy of modeling, and also typify the presentation of fuzzy situational features for effective management of the CTS VS. Conclusion. A method has been developed for assessing the reliability of the parameters of the CTS VS based on the algorithms for analyzing and assessing the reliability of the CTS VS, the algorithm for the formation of the most complete subsets listing in the graph all possible compatible subsets of a given set of vertices differing in that they are based on the analysis of enlarged states and decomposition of the structural diagram, which allows analytical and statistical studies to significantly increase the accuracy of assessing the reliability of CTS VS and reduce the amount of calculations. Result: the proposed methods were used to solve the problems of air distribution control in coal mines.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
The relevance of the work is caused by the need to survive the mining industry during the protracted post-reform crisis and to minimize its negative impact on the ecology of the region through the development of technogenic mineral resources. Purpose of work. Substantiation of the possibility of replacing the traditional components of the filling composite with own or attracted man-made wastes after their processing to a level that meets the conditions of environmental safety and economic feasibility. Research methods: systematization, analysis and generalization of theoretical and experimental research in this area, as well as patent data. Results. A generalization is made, the result of an analysis of the mechanism and rates of accumulation of waste from mining and processing of mineral raw materials is given, and a multifactorial mathematical model of degradation of environmental ecosystems as a result of the impact of waste is formulated. A historical background is given and an assessment of the development of mineral deposits with backfilling with hardening mixtures based on utilized man-made waste in a closed cycle is given. A promising method of activating the binding components of the hardening mixture is recommended, treatment in a high-speed mill - disintegrator. The results of experimental studies of the possibility of using metallurgical slags of the Chusovoy metallurgical plant as a binder and as an inert filler of ore dressing wastes of PJSC Uralkali are given. It is shown that if the content of unrecovered metals in industrial waste is more than the background level, they can be disposed of after the extraction of metals within the framework of a single technological cycle of waste-free production. It is concluded that when preparing a filling composite, it is possible to replace traditional commercial components with man-made waste from mining and processing and metallurgical industries after extracting useful components from them and neutralizing hazardous impurities. The prospect of the transition of mining production to an innovative principle of organization, which excludes the storage of waste, is noted, for which it is advisable to combine physical-technical and physical-chemical technologies at the design stage in the technological process of resource development. Conclusions. The involvement of man-made waste in a closed production cycle increases the environmental and economic efficiency of enterprises. Conversion of production to minimize waste volumes and their use in their own or in related production is an effective step towards sustainable development of the mining region.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The goal of the research was to clarify the regularities of the dynamics of gas release from the surface of the outcrop of the developed coal seam. The main research methods were theoretical methods of mathematical physics and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Gas-bearing coal seams are usually mined underground. When driving development workings, outcropping surfaces of gas-bearing coal seams appear and gases in the seams under excessive pressure are released into the atmosphere of the mine workings. Gas-bearing coal seams are usually mined underground. When driving preparatory workings, surfaces of outcropping of gas-bearing coal seams arise and gases that are in the seams under excessive pressure are released into the atmosphere of the mine workings. The most important gas-dynamic characteristic of this process is the rate of gas release, which represents the volume of gases released from a unit area of exposure of a coal seam per unit of time. A generalized law of resistance for gas filtration in a rock mass is recommended, and a fairly rigorous thermodynamic substantiation is given. It is shown that the densities of gas mass flows in accordance with the postulate of their linear relationship with the driving forces are determined by the Onsager relation. The results obtained and their discussion is presented. Mathematical models are proposed for engineering calculations of the dynamics of methane release from the outcropping surface of medium-thick coal seams. The error of the adopted approximations does not exceed 3%. The intensity of methane release is directly related to the planogram of work in the working face. Analysis of this dependence indicates that during the extraction cycle, methane release increases due to an increase in the area of the gas-release surface. The main conclusions are as follows: mathematical modeling of the processes of gas movement in a porous sorbing medium using approximate mathematical models representing linearized equations of mathematical physics; the regularities of the dynamics of the rate of gas release from the surface of the outcrop of a gas-bearing coal seam is the theoretical basis for the mathematical description of the process of gas release; the use of a linearized hyperbolic filtration equation most accurately describes the processes of methane release from the outcropping surface of mined coal seams.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
The Murmansk region is a region with the largest enterprises of the mining complex of the Russian Federation: KF JSC “Apatit”, JSC “Kola MMC”, JSC “Olkon”, JSC” Kovdorsky GOK”, JSC” North-West Phosphorus Company”, LLC”Lovozersky GOK”. They provide the majority of the country’s demand for phosphate ores, zirconium raw materials (baddeleyite), niobium, tantalum, and rare earth metals. In addition, the mining and processing of copper-nickel, iron and chrome ores, nepheline and ceramic raw materials, facing stone and building materials is carried out. At the same time, the activities of enterprises have a very negative impact on the environment. The issues of environmental safety in the extraction and processing of minerals, storage of mining waste in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are of particular relevance. The definition of sustainable development in relation to the mining industry is given. The concepts of available best technologies, circular economy, and “green growth” are considered from the point of view of their contribution to sustainable development. It is shown that the sustainable development of enterprises at the present stage is impossible without improving the environmental friendliness of production. The article analyzes the legislation of the Russian Federation and the practice of its application to identify mechanisms that promote sustainable development and eliminate barriers to the implementation of this concept in the mining industry. New technological solutions have been developed for mining enterprises of the Murmansk region, aimed at reducing aero-technogenic emissions, cleaning waste (mine) water, processing tailings of enrichment as man-made deposits, which allows both to minimize man-made environmental impacts and to increase the full use of mineral raw materials. Thus, the expediency of using the principles of “green growth” for the development of economic development policies in the Arctic is justified.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
There is a worldwide trend of increasing the share of extraction and processing of low-grade minerals, but their extraction and processing volumes are still low. There are several reasons for this: high mining and transportation costs, imperfect techniques and technological difficulties in enrichment and processing of refractory and low-quality minerals. Due to the depletion of reserves of easily beneficiated raw materials and to compensate for the growing shortage of high-quality minerals, the Russian mining industry development strategy provides for the involvement of new and unconventional types of deposits into production. Examples of such deposits are deposits of carbonaceous raw materials (black shale, refractory sulphide carbon-bearing ores, impactites, etc.) containing carbon of varying degrees of metamorphism. On the basis of the most modern mineralogical, physical, nuclear and chemical methods of research of composition, structure and properties of the carbonaceous raw materials at the micro- and nanolevel, the composition of the productive mineral matter, physical, chemical and thermodynamic laws of separation of valuable mineral components and the basic technological processes to obtain the finished product for valorization of the unconventional carbonaceous mineral raw materials were determined with maximum reliability. One of the possible reasons of difficulty of beneficiation of carbonaceous raw materials is the fine phenocrysts in graphite which can be solved by using the flotation process. Contrast of surface properties of minerals with similar technological properties can be increased by application of different energy effects (MEMI, MIO, microwave, electrochemical treatment etc.) at successive stages of raw material transformation, regulation of pulp conditioning conditions (duration and intensity of agitation, heat treatment of pulp) as well as by development and application of selective reagent regimes. The special feature of flotation as a method of extraction of noble and rare metals is the ability to extract valuable metals not only in their native free form, but also in close association with sulphides and carbon. Flotation with the use of intensifying influences made it possible to transfereven low-sized structures of noble and rare metals, which are not extracted by conventional methods of cyanidation, gravitation enrichment and amalgamation, into the concentrate. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of the flotation process is preliminary modification of the additive which is introduced in addition to the main reagents of the sinter - “carrier material”.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 5, doi.org, Abstract
Innovative processes of deep and complex processing of technogenic raw materials in the context of sustainable development of the mining industry and the economic challenges facing the mining industry should ensure the transition to a circular economy and the maximum use of natural resources. The article reflects the priority scientific and technological research on the involvement of technogenic mineral resources in efficient processing. Presented, developed at ICEMR RAS, including jointly with universities, research and production organizations and enterprises, modern innovative processes of deep and environmentally friendly processing of refractory mineral raw materials of complex material composition (tailings of enrichment of non-ferrous and noble metal ores, poor off-balance ores, slags ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, sludge of metallurgical production) and hydro-mineral technogenic resources (acidic mineralized bottom-dump waters of mining enterprises of the copper-zinc complex of the Urals, saponite-containing circulating waters of diamond processing factories). Among other things, new directions in the field of selective disintegration of finely dispersed mineral raw materials based on energy effects and deep processing of slags are outlined; increasing the selectivity of enrichment processes; combined processing of technogenic raw materials; resource-saving processing of technogenic and hydro-mineral resources, obtaining secondary products from processing waste. It is shown that in the face of new economic challenges, Russia has sufficient scientific and technological potential in the field of deep and environmentally safe processing of technogenic raw materials in the form of developed and, to varying degrees, tested innovative resource-saving technologies that correspond to the world level, and in a number of technologies are superior to it.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The article presents the results of research on a comprehensive assessment of techno genic waste deposits located in the North Caucasus region, gives a brief description of the material composition of techno genic raw materials, element-by-element quantitative reserves that are part of the accumulated secondary georesources for their possible utilization, production of non-ferrous metals and raw materials for the manufacture of industrial building materials. The article considers the sanitary and ecological parameters of the functioning of man-made raw materials in complex orographic, meteorological and geographical conditions. The critical aspects of the preservation of techno genic waste deposits in the current anthropogenic conditions are identified. The risk factors for the removal of toxic and harmful geomaterials into the water area with significant harm to the flora and ichthyofaunal are identified. For a deeper assessment of the minerals contained in the extracted ore, a unified state register of techno genic waste deposits should be created, Taking into account the high fragmentation of all the above – mentioned process links at the present time , the owners, taking into account the current sanitary and regulatory requirements, must take adequate measures to ensure the regulatory and environmental requirements in accordance with the current Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”. The need for complex processing of waste from mining and processing industries in the North Caucasus is also dictated by environmental aspects due to the high risk of the occupied territories (they are located in floodplain terraced areas of mountain rivers) due to the flooding of mountain rivers, including the high vulnerability of resort and recreational and balneological complexes due to the negative impact of these negative sources. The assessment of the useful components contained in the extracted ore is currently not carried out in full, and the accumulated waste from processing non-ferrous metal ores is used in small volumes.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 8, doi.org, Abstract
The practical development of the algorithm for optimal control of mine ventilation was preceded by comprehensive studies of the specific features of mining sites in order to obtain their mathematical description. The latter includes the static and dynamic characteristics of objects, i.e. the relationship between input and output values. The purpose of the research: to develop methods and management tools aerogasdynamics processes on mining sites of coalmines. Research methods. The methodology based on the system approach; modern methods of mathematical statistics, decision theory; mathematical logic devices; factor analysis; mathematical modeling; set theory and system analysis. To determine the dynamic characteristics of aerogasodynamic processes, experimental methods were used, divided into active and passive. The active method consists in con-structing a dynamic model of airing objects by approximating the transition curve obtained because of special effects on the airing object with an analytical expression. Statistical dynamics methods were used to obtain dynamic characteristics based on normal operation data. The method of correlation analysis was used. Results of research: experimental verification showed that the maximum relative error of in determining the methane concentration from the static characteristic constructed using a modified technique does not exceed 10 %. The value of the error was determined by comparing the static characteristic obtained by the modified correlation analysis method with the exact static characteristic of the airing object. The latter were found with regard to dynamic properties of the object and additive structures aerogas dynamics processes. Conclusion. The method of correlation analysis can be used to determine the dependence of the methane flow rate on the airflow rate in the steady-state mode, i.e. the static characteristic q = f (Q) for the site and lava. To determine the static characteristics based on the data of normal operation with a limited observation interval (5-10 days), a modified method of correlation analysis is proposed. Small values of the relative error of indicate the possibility and feasibility of using a modified correlation analysis technique to construct a static characteristic of the airing object based on random processes of methane concentration and air flow obtained during normal operation of the site. The static characteristics C= f (Q) and q= f(Q) are widely used to determine the mathematical expectations of the methane concentration and flow rate of mining sites, in the modeling of ventilation facilities and in the analysis and synthesis of mine ventilation control systems.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 2, doi.org, Abstract
Aim. The basis for the optimal development of mountain regions is the regulation of anthropogenic impact on natural land-scapes. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of natural landscapes of the highlands of the Central Caucasus and substantiate effective mechanisms that regulate economic activity in territories adjacent to nature conservation ones. On the example of the Karasu river valley, which is representative of the Northern macro slope of the Greater Caucasus, analyzes the features of anthropogenic impact in the form of recreation, tourism and grazing. Research methods. The key method of this research is the making of maps showing the landscape structure of the area under consideration, the spatial features of the location of exogenous processes and types of nature management. Using the above maps, the features of the geological and geomorphological basis and landscape structure of the Karasu river valley were identified, the features of modern nature management were characterized, the consequences of anthropogenic impact on natural landscapes were assessed, and the management approach were formulated to reduce the negative impact on the nature of mountain areas. To assess the land cover, high-resolution satellite images were used, according to which the difference vegetation in-dex was calculated, which most clearly distinguishes the main types of the cover. Results. Within the boundaries of the study area, the role of shrub-meadow vegetation of the subalpine zone, which performs a water-retaining function, is especially significant. The destruction of land cover due to overgrazing, the construction of capital facilities, and other types of economic activity without the necessary protective engineering and land reclamation measures favors the development of destructive exogenous processes. The border of the reserved and non-reserved territories is smooth (not sharp). Conclusions. The gradual transition from landscapes with a reserved regime to landscapes with different uses requires a revision of the concept of nature protection in the direction of developing measures on the principle of “protection in use.” Particular attention should be paid to the conservation of sub-alpine meadows, alpine meadows and wastelands, bog complexes, which have a high species diversity, the presence of endemic species and are small in area. The main environmental measures for these communities are state monitoring and the maximum possible reduction in anthropogenic impact.
Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The article discusses the creation, testing and implementation of new donor charges designed to initiate low-sensitivity explosives. The cast booster donor charges are made entirely of explosives obtained from the disposal of unnecessary ammunition – TNT, RDX and TEN. The donor charges differ from the mass-produced ones, and have a mass of 150 to 900 g. They also have high explosive characteristics: velocity of detonation from 7200 to 7500 m/s, density of 1.6 g/cm3, excellent water resistance and strength. Their initiating ability on low-sensitivity explosives is significantly better than the one of TNT presses. The velocity of detonation of the main charge of a low-sensitivity emulsion explosive initiated with a cast booster is up to 700 m/s higher than when initiated with a TNT presses. It is especially important when building objects in the constrained conditions, at development of mountain territories for decrease in action of shock air waves and elimination of possibility of mountain collapses and landslides In article advantage of use of cast intermediate detonators on safety of explosive works is proved at development of mountain territories. The new design allows an increase in the security of initiating the charges in the boreholes, which allows them to be initiated with two detonators simultaneously.
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