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A fast algorithm for computing matrix-vector products in the problem of function decomposition into Fourier series on a circle
Zelenchuk N.A., Terekhov A.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A significant interest lies in the development and exploration of the potential application of fast algorithms for computing matrix-vector products in the context of transforms on the circle, which will substantially improve the efficiency of calculating Zernike moments. This paper presents an efficient method for compressing transform matrices for Zernike functions based on the Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (FDFT) algorithm and the extra-component method. The proposed approach enables efficient multiplication of the initial transform matrix by a vector using FDFT, significantly reducing the computational complexity of the overall method. It is assumed that matrix compression is performed only once during the preparatory stage, while the number of vectors to be transformed is sufficiently large for the computational costs of this stage to be negligible. This approach reduces the computation time of the matrix-vector product during the processing stage by eliminating matrix elements with magnitudes close to zero. The preparatory stage will require performing of the order of operations, while the computational stage will involve performing arithmetic operations, which is significantly less than the estimate for the direct method of calculating the matrix-vector product. Computational experiments demonstrate the stability, accuracy, and efficiency of the procedures, which makes it possible to substantially reduce the computation time by several orders of magnitude compared to direct matrix-vector multiplication for the current problem of decomposing functions into series according to the Zernike basis.
Synthesis of a polynomial matrix controller that takes into account the inertia of the actuator
Filiushov V.Y.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In this paper, we consider the synthesis of a quadcopter orientation control system with a small change in rotation angles (near hovering), taking into account the inertia of the propeller-motor groups. The feedback linearization of the orientation subsystem is shown, taking into account the inertia of the propeller groups. The controller is designed using a polynomial matrix synthesis method that provides a given location of the poles of the closed system. To evaluate the results, a comparison with a controller that does not take into account the inertia of the propeller-motor groups is made. Orientation and positioning control of a multirotor vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in space is inextricably linked with the formation of a motion control vector consisting of a combination of thrusts and aerodynamic moments created by each propeller-motor group. The accuracy and speed of formation of the motion control vector significantly affects the positioning and orientation errors of the UAV. In most studies devoted to the synthesis of UAV control systems, a motion control vector is used without taking into account the dynamics of the propeller-motor groups, which in some cases forces us to reduce the speed of the control system. It is shown that the increase in the control system performance can be limited by inertia, since oscillation occurs, and with further attempts to increase the performance by shifting the desired poles of the characteristic polynomial further into the negative region, the control system becomes unstable. To solve this problem, it is proposed to take into account the inertia of the propeller-motor group. It is shown that due to this, it is possible to increase the performance of the control system. It is also shown that the feedback linearization of the quadcopter orientation subsystem is also affected by the inertia of the propeller-motor group, so it is proposed to perform feedback linearization taking into account the inertia.
Study of the effect of the permeability of the interwell space on the efficiency of steam gravity drainage
Leonovich D.A.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The paper presents a study of the influence of permeability of interwell space on the efficiency of vapour-gravity drainage under different modes of injection well operation on the basis of numerical modeling. The study was carried out on the model of a reservoir containing highly viscous oil, the dynamic viscosity of which at a reservoir temperature of 8 degrees Celsius is about 25 Pa?•?s. Modeling of non-isothermal multiphase filtration processes is performed using an approach based on implicit pressure calculation by the finite element method and recalculation of saturations of phases after their transfer in accordance with the flow values obtained from the calculated pressure gradients. The temperature field is calculated in two stages: a convective heat transfer is taken into account during phase transfers, and heat propagation due to thermal conductivity of the medium is calculated by solving the boundary value problem for the heat conduction equation. The modeling method takes into account the dependences of phase viscosities on temperature and their densities on temperature and pressure, energy release or absorption during vaporization and condensation, as well as the inhomogeneity of the geological model. Numerical experiments to investigate the influence of permeability of interwell space on the efficiency of steam-gravity drainage were carried out for a heterogeneous reservoir in which a layer with different permeability from the rest of the reservoir is located between horizontal wells. The results demonstrated the difference in oil production and change in steam chamber shape depending on the permeability contrast between the layer and the rest of the reservoir. The model with a permeability layer twenty times lower than the rest of the reservoir showed the highest volume of accumulated produced oil when the wells were operated in the same mode. The possibility of steam or condensed water breaking through to the production well was investigated. At variation of volumes of steam injection, the situations when an increase in steam injection leads to a decrease in the oil share in the withdrawn mixture were obtained. It is shown that for effective application of steam methods of oil recovery enhancement it is important to perform a preliminary reservoir analysis and modelling of expected well operation modes.
Increasing spatial resolution in optical microscopy systems using low-magnification micro lenses
Guzhov V.I., Ilinykh S.P., Andrushenko E.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Optical microscopy systems are an important research method in many medical and industrial applications. Spatial resolution depends on the design of the objective lens and the field of view narrows as magnification increases. As the resolution increases, the field of view narrows. The maximum field of view is achieved with lenses with low magnification ratio and correspondingly low spatial resolution. Lenses with low resolution are structurally simple to manufacture and therefore inexpensive. Therefore, the use of such lenses to increase spatial resolution is a promising direction. The purpose of this work is to investigate the possibility of increasing the spatial resolution of optical microscopy systems using micro-lenses with a low magnification ratio while maintaining their inherent wide field of view. Improvement of spatial resolution is realized with the help of the approach proposed in the paper based on the technology of subpixel scanning and introduction of aperture function independent of the image properties. In this case, the spectrum of the image synthesized with the help of subpixel scanning technology is compensated by the multiplier of the proposed aperture function, the type of which depends only on the type of lens aperture and does not depend on the properties of the object under study. For realization of subpixel shift scanning the modification of the slide of metallographic aggregate microscope METAM-R1 was carried out. The two-coordinate stage can be positioned with high accuracy under computer control. The obtained experimental results show the realizability of the proposed approach. The disadvantage of the proposed approach is the necessity to use an additional subpixel shift system. However, in many cases the use of subpixel shifts is more preferable than the use of complex lenses with high resolution and small field of view.
Measuring the gravitational frequency shift in a hydrogen clock when transmitting a signal via optical and radio frequency communication channels
Dmitriev A.K., Karpik A.P., Tolstikov A.S., Golovin N.N., Savinov K.N., Boldyrev V.S., Gusar D.F., Alekseytsev S.A., Tomilov A.S., Ivanenko A.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A scheme for measuring the gravitational frequency shift of hydrogen clocks during their movement between two points located at different orthometric altidudes with simultaneous signal transmission via radio and fiber-optic communication lines has been implemented. Practical interest in studying the gravitational frequency shift of quantum standards is associated with the need to take it into account to improve accuracy in navigation satellite systems. Such measurements were performed using a space synchronization channel using signals from global navigation satellite systems. This became especially relevant when improving the metrological characteristics of quantum frequency and time standards, in particular, using transportable clocks based on optical lattices when transmitting a signal via fiber-optic communication lines. On the other hand, using quantum clocks, measurements of the difference in orthometric heights are performed using the relativistic synchronization method and the simultaneous use of the frequency standard redshift effect due to time dilation in a gravitational field and the redshift effect of photons overcoming the gravitational field. This paper presents the results of measuring the gravitational frequency shift of a hydrogen clock when it is moved between two points located at different orthometric heights with signal transmission via a fiber-optic communication line and via a radio channel. In the first case, the radiation of a diode laser at a wavelength of 1.5 μm amplitude-modulated by a signal from the transported hydrogen clock at a frequency of 10 MHz, was transmitted via a fiber-optic communication line when a stationary hydrogen clock was used as a reference. Transmission via a radio channel was carried out via a coaxial radio frequency cable. The measurements were carried out on the territory of the West Siberian branch of the FSUE "VNIIFTRI".
The method of dynamic detection of PC operator fatigue based on eye movement characteristics
Bulygin A.O.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The onset of fatigue is dangerous in areas of activity that require high concentration of human attention, such as air traffic controllers, nuclear power plant operators, etc. It should be noted that these types of activities are characterized by the fact that most of the time the employee sits at the workplace and his gaze is directed at the monitor. The paper presents a method for dynamic detection of PC operator fatigue based on eye movement characteristics. The method for dynamic detection of fatigue implements a training scenario for a fatigue detection model and a fatigue detection scenario. Within the training scenario, eye movement characteristics are calculated and correlations with fatigue test results are searched for. Within the fatigue detection scenario, eye movement characteristics that most strongly correlate with fatigue are selected. These characteristics can also be divided by the types of physical events on which they are based. We can distinguish such characteristics as speed, time, quantity, size, percentage, frequency and ratio characteristics. To find correlations between eye movement characteristics and fatigue, a dataset of eye movements and the results of tests and questionnaires such as the go/no-go task, the Landolt ring test, and the VAS-F questionnaire were analyzed. The dataset consists of gaze coordinate recordings from 15 participants acting as PC operators. To determine the degree of fatigue, the participant completed the VAS-F questionnaire. The Landolt ring correction test is a test used to measure attention concentration. The labeled dataset is used to train a machine learning model that detects fatigue. The experimental results showed that using the characteristics selected in the study yielded the most promising results. This approach allowed us to achieve the highest F-measure and the best average accuracy, indicating the overall reliability of the model.
Processing and analysis of signals for diagnosing the condition of a hip joint endoprosthesis
Vasyukov V.N., Rajfeld M.A., Sokolova D.O., Tashtanov B.R., Pavlov V.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
One of the problems associated with hip arthroplasty is that the endoprosthesis is subjected to significant mechanical loads, which can lead to its destruction. Revision surgeries aimed at determining the condition of the prosthesis are complex and expensive, in addition, they are asso-ciated with the need for the patient to arrive at a medical facility and be hospitalized. An approach to diagnosing a hip endoprosthesis during the patient's normal life is proposed, based on the analysis of vibration and sound oscillations taken from the body surface using a device developed for this purpose based on a three-axis accelerometer. The device for recording vibration and sound oscillations has small dimensions and weight, is fixed on the ilium and practically does not limit the patient's movements during signal recording. The signals are recorded in digital form on a memory card, which, after measurements are taken, can be removed from the device and used to transfer the recording to a computer for processing and analysis. Analysis of the records of signals obtained experimentally allowed to identify signs of various defects (partial abrasion of the polyethylene liner, complete abrasion of the liner and loosening of the prosthesis stem in the area of its attachment to the femur). Statistics are proposed for making a decision when testing hypotheses about the presence/absence of these defects. The results of the experiments are presented.
Application of parametric criteria for homogeneity of variances under conditions of standard assumption violation
Lemeshko B.Y., Lemeshko S.B., Lotoch E.Y.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
When analyzing measurement series in various applications, it becomes necessary to ensure that the scattering characteristics of the measured quantities have not changed over time, or that the accuracy of measurements carried out by different laboratories in similar tests meets the necessary requirements. For these purposes, it is advisable to use various k-sample parametric criteria for testing hypotheses about the homogeneity of variances (about the equality of variances). The prerequisite for the possibility of using parametric criteria is that the analyzed samples belong to normal distribution laws, which is not always the case. When the assumption of normal distribution of statistics is violated, parametric criteria usually change significantly, which excludes the possibility of using classical results when testing hypotheses. The best parametric tests have a significant advantage in power over nonparametric tests. This advantage is usually retained when the standard assumption of normality is violated. The paper shows how the distributions of parametric test statistics change under conditions of violation of the standard assumption. It is shown that using simulation modeling based on the Monte Carlo method and with appropriate software support, it is possible to find the distributions of the statistics of the applied criteria under non-standard conditions corresponding to specific applications. The use of the results of such modeling makes it possible to make correct statistical conclusions based on the criteria used. The methodology of applying parametric criteria of homogeneity of variances under conditions of violation of the standard assumption is considered. The method involves, at the first stage, testing the hypothesis about the belonging of the analyzed samples to normal laws using a set of special criteria. In case of a negative result, at the second stage a law is selected that describes the combined sample. At the third stage, using the results of the modeling under this law, a conclusion is formed based on the applied criteria. Examples of the implementation of the methodology within the framework of the developed software system are given.
Synthesis of a neurocontroller for a system containing an essentially nonlinear block
Voevoda A.A., Shipagin V.I.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In some cases, in order to improve the quality indicators of the transients of the automatic control system, it is necessary to take into account in the model of the control object various mechanisms that drive the control object itself (DC motor, wheels, amplifier-converting devices). When calculating controllers by analytical methods, difficulties arise due to the presence of various kinds of irregularities in such systems, including "significant" ones ("backlash", "friction", etc.). In this case, the solution of this issue may be related to the use of artificial neural networks as part of the simulator. This paper shows the application of a neurofeedback scheme using a neuro-emulator and a neurocontroller. This allows you to form a training sample and train a neural network controller in the operating modes of the system that are beyond the control capabilities of a nonlinear model of the control object using a controller calculated by an analytical method. This scheme is considered as an addition to the algorithm of synthesis of neural network controllers with a deterministic way of choosing the architecture and weighting coefficients of a neural network using a scheme of imitating neural control. An example is given of improving the qualitative characteristics of the transients of a system by means of fine-tuning a neurocontroller for a nonlinear system "inverse pendulum on a movable base", taking into account the presence in the system of an inertial link containing a significant non-linearity of the "backlash" type. The purpose of the control was indicated, i.e. stabilization of the inverted pendulum in a vertical position and moving the mobile base to a set value. To achieve these goals, a neurocontrol scheme is used, which contains two neural networks: a neurocontroller (performs the function of forming a control effect on an object) and a neuroemulator (performs the function of simulating a model of the control object and is necessary to calculate the error back pass and adjust the weighting coefficients of the neurocontroller). As a result, it is possible to obtain an automatic control system capable of controlling the specified object.
Analysis of the electrical activity in various brain regions for assessing differences in human functional states
Glekler E.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The study presents an evaluation of the feasibility of using various EEG leads for calculating EEG signal metrics aimed at detecting differences in the EEG signal of a person in a state of concentration and a state of mind-wandering. The leads and metrics were selected based on an analysis of related studies focused on recognizing and assessing human states, such as concentration. Practical methods for calculating selected power and entropy metrics in various frequency bands are provided. The study uses a unique dataset containing EEG recordings for functional states of concentration at a point in the center of the forehead and background states of mind-wandering, including data from 17 participants. The assessment of the applicability of leads was based on the point-biserial correlation coefficient of the metric values with functional states, as well as a similar measure based on the difference in interquartile ranges of the metric values. It was shown that the most promising leads for application are prefrontal leads for calculating the signal entropy metric in the 0.3 to 30 Hz range, and occipital leads for calculating spectral power metrics in the α and θ ranges. For several metrics, not only absolute values are important, but also their ratios for different brain regions (prefrontal, central, and occipital). Among the relative values, the most promising is the ratio of metric values in the prefrontal leads to the corresponding values in the occipital leads. These metrics on the selected leads show significant but divergent changes between functional states for the participants in the sample.
Error in setting the angular position of a radar object replaced by a two-point model when using an antenna with a difference radiation pattern
Kiselev A.V., Tayupov A.V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The issues of estimating systematic errors in setting the angular position of the apparent radiation center of a radar object simulated by a two-point model when using antennas with difference radiation patterns are considered. The dependence of the angular error on the model parameters, such as the spacing of the emitters, the expected position of the apparent center of radiation and the coefficients of the antenna radiation pattern approximation, is established. The angular error of the bearing is determined by including it in the direction finding characteristic of the antenna as a correction to the angular position with further analytical expression. Calculations were performed for the sum and difference directional diagrams, on the basis of which the error values were compared. The ratio of the approximation coefficients for the sum and difference radiation patterns of the antenna is determined. The obtained analytical results can be used in solving applied problems related to the development of matrix simulators and forecasting the accuracy characteristics of simulation complexes.
Method for predicting eye movement activity based on intelligent data analysis from a mobile portable electroencephalograph
Romaniuk V.R.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Analysis and data processing systems, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Eye movement processes, such as fixations and saccades, play a crucial role in human cognitive activity as they are closely associated with functions such as perception, attention, and decision-making. These processes are actively applied in various fields, including human-computer interaction systems and neurophysiological research. Modern eye-tracking methods based on optical systems provide high accuracy but have several significant limitations. In this regard, the use of electroencephalographic (EEG) data for analyzing eye movement activity is becoming a promising direction, as EEG provides insights into the neural processes underlying eye movements. This allows many limitations of optical systems to be overcome, enabling the monitoring of eye movements without direct visual tracking. The goal of this study is to develop a method for predicting eye movement activity based on data collected from the BrainBit mobile EEG device. The study utilizes a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed model achieves high accuracy in classifying the main types of eye movement activity. For fixations and saccades, the classification accuracy reached 91?%, indicating a high effectiveness of the model for these types of movements. However, classifying directed eye movements, such as left/right and up/down movements, proved to be a more challenging task, with an accuracy of about 65?% and 63?%, respectively. One of the key challenges identified in the study was the high individual variability of EEG signals between participants. As a result, the model training was personalized for each participant, which improved the accuracy of predictions for each individual. Thus, the study highlights the potential of using EEG for analyzing and predicting eye movements, particularly in the context of fixations and saccades.
Features of radiometric quantities synthetic images formation in the IR region of the spectrum
Zverev A.V., Ipatov D.E.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Physically correct synthetic images of 3D scenes in a given wavelength range are of great importance in solving some applied problems. Such data generation is based on a physical interactions modelling, including electromagnetic radiation propagation in a scene space. This paper presents the results of a ray tracing mechanism development in a 3D scene modeling software package. An algorithm for calculation radiative heat transfer that allows accounting a radiation from multiple bodies in the scene is proposed. In order to be executed on graphical processors it is implemented in form of shader programs. Each emitted ray, which simulates the propagation of an electromagnetic wave, undergoes no more than two interactions with bodies and makes an addition to an observed area radiation in a number of photons given wavelengths range and solid angle. To evaluate the algorithm a number of model scenes were proposed, on which comparative study was carried out in case of infrared region modeling. As results show, taking into account the mechanisms of radiative heat transfer allow for qualitative improvement of the resulting images and makes a significant contribution to the background signal.
Elimination of ambiguity in estimates of the arrival directions of broadband signals in multisignal bearing mode
Shevchenko M.Е., Malyshev V.N., Sokolov S.S., Osetrov A.V., Cherepanov A.S.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Direction finding of wideband signals overlapping in the spectral domain by a fixed antenna array requires the correction of steering vector ambiguity and phase differences corresponding to different spectral components. The spectral components of the same signal correspond to unequal values of the distance in wavelengths between the antennas in the array. A method of steering vector ambiguity correction suitable for subspace methods such as MUSIC and ESPRIT is proposed. The ambiguity in the presence of multiple signals is resolved by correcting phase diffe-rences between antennas for each spectral component, with preliminary correlation of the ambiguous steering vector with unambiguous ones obtained for the low-frequency range of the spectrum using maximum correlation. The corrected steering vector for each spectral component is obtained from the adjusted phase differences between the antennas and is used in the direction finding correlation algorithm to obtain unambiguous estimates of the directions of arrival of the wideband signals. Simulation results for direction finding of five sound wideband signals using a square internally filled antenna array consisting of 16 antennas, based on ESPRIT with the proposed method of ambiguity correction, are presented. The proposed method for correcting the steering vector ambiguity caused by different spectral components of wideband signals in the antenna array allows estimation of their directions of arrival, as is done for narrowband radio signals.
Mathematical models of radio wave propagation in heterogeneous environments for wireless networks. Review. Part 2. Mathematical models of radio wave propagation in forests
Popov V.I.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Proceedings of the Russian higher school Academy of sciences, 2024, цитирований: 0, Обзор, doi.org, Abstract
The paper proposes a classification of mathematical models of radio wave propagation (RWP) in forests in a wide frequency range, which summarizes the results of the works of the author and numerous researchers on the effective complex dielectric constant of forests, effective operating and linear attenuation coefficients, radio path losses, effective differential absorption cross sections and scattering, as well as the specific effective area of backscattering by forest vegetation. The rather complex problem of the influence of forests on the propagation of radio waves of various ranges is still extremely relevant today due to the widespread use of mobile and space radio communication systems, as well as solving the problems of radio monitoring of the earth's surface and radio introscopy of objects in forests.
Establishing of recommendations for information protection from exploitation of current vulnerabilities in 2024
Zhumazhanova S.S., Zubovich N.V., Obryvalin D.E.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Digital Technology Security, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Information security threats are one of the most important problems of our time. In general, a threat is a potential event, action (impact), process or phenomenon that can lead to damage to someone's interests. There are many ways to implement information security threats, but one of the main ones is the exploitation of information security vulnerabilities. According to a recent report by Positive Technologies [1], in 2023, vulnerability exploitation became one of the main methods of attack on organizations (32 %). Vulnerabilities are exploited in accordance with a certain attack scenario, which is conventionally divided into the following stages: conducting reconnaissance, conducting an attack, developing an attack on an information system, obtaining benefits. Thus, this work is devoted to the analysis of a number of information security vulnerabilities in 2024, modeling attack scenarios when exploiting these vulnerabilities and establishing of recommendations for eliminating the possibility of exploiting vulnerabilities based on organizational and technical measures.
“Russian East” as а Symbol of National Distinctive Beauty in the Music of S. Rachmaninoff
Rodicheva I.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This article explores the development of Orientalism in the works of Sergei Rachmaninoff, who, influenced by both Russian and Eastern musical traditions, creates a unique synthesis of cultural elements. Here, the expression of national identity is reflected through the lens of personal experience. The music of one of the greatest Russian composers of the 20th century represents a complex intertwining of cultural influences, emphasizing the uniqueness of the Russian character, which is marked by a pursuit of infinity and freedom through the concept of “elemental forces”, as well as through symbols of rebellion, space, and solitude. The article highlights the importance of understanding Russian culture not merely as a collection of customs and traditions, but as a valuable mosaic piece of the global cultural palette, unique in its multifaceted nature and depth of meaning. The author analyzes how Eastern motifs in the composer’s works become not just exotic insertions, but vital structural components that reflect the musician’s inner world and personal experiences. Through an examination of pieces such as “Piano Concerto No. 2”, “Symphony No. 2”, “Études-Tableaux for Piano, Op. 39”, and “Alexander Nevsky”, it is shown how Rachmaninoff transforms Eastern melodies, adapting them to his artistic language and creating multilayered musical textures. The article emphasizes that Orientalism in Rachmaninoff’s music serves not only as a means of self-expression but also as a philosophical tool for contemplating questions of human nature and identity. In conclusion, it is underscored that the composer shapes a musical space where personal and national experiences intertwine, creating a profound emotional revelation that mirrors the complex nature of the Russian spirit, reflecting its quest for self-understanding and comprehension of the surrounding world. It concludes that through his artistry, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff advocates for the preservation and understanding of Russian culture as an integral part of the world’s cultural heritage, which is crucial not only for maintaining historical memory and spiritual legacy but also for enriching humanity as a whole.
Alexey Varlamov’s “My Soul Pavel”: The Novel and the Production in RAYT
Glembotskaya Y., Kuznetcov I.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article examines A. Varlamov’s novel “My Soul Pavel” and its production at the Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAYT). The research methodology is based on the hermeneutical approach, and also relies on the techniques of narratological and intertextual analysis. As a result of the analysis, the features of the genre nature of the work are established; its mythopoetic basis; the functioning of the intertext in the novel; the ratio of the author and the hero. The author shows a change in the dramatization of the original conception of the novel by his grandmother. In the structure of the novel, the author refers to the artistic possibilities of such techniques as intertextuality and autocitation. These techniques are aimed at an educated audience and connect the text with routine postmodern poetics. Varlamov’s scientific erudition and writing professionalism are manifested in a demonstrative reliance on a liminal plot and an initiation scheme. The genre characteristic of the work given by the author is ‘the novel of growing up’. In addition, the novel uses the plug-in genre of vision. In the image of the main character Pavel Nepomiluyev, such important features of the Russian mentality as the traditional idea of wandering and the cult of power formed by the Soviet era are combined. The relationship between the author and the hero is considered through the prism of M. M. Bakhtin’s concept and is classified as characteristic of romantic literature. The hero’s growing up implies his discovery of the negative aspects of Soviet reality: such as irresponsible management, theft, national problems, and the death of the village. The novel establishes an understanding of the elite of society as people who are first and foremost distinguished by their love for their Motherland. In the play “My Soul Pavel” in RAYT, playwright Polina Babushkina changed the concept of the novel, shifting the focus to criticism of the Soviet way of life. The mystical storylines of the text have been eliminated from the production, including an important episode of the vision for the meaning of the whole. However, there are interesting staging solutions in the play: reading a fragment of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, an independent musical series involving a variety ensemble. As a conclusion, it is said about the modernity and artistic independence of the novel, as well as that the play is able to live on the stage of the theater, having internal resources for modification.
The Impact of the Presidency Institution оn the Cultural Policy of Pridnestroviе
Golub N.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article discusses the institution of presidency, which has a significant impact on the cultural policy and ‘cultural sovereignty’ of Pridnestrovie. It is noted that the development of the culture of the republic is directly related to the personality of the leaders of the PMR, their involvement in the cultural and historical processes taking place in the state. It is noted that the institution of the presidency acts as the effective imperative for the development of the country’s cultural policy under the influence of the legal status, territorial location of the republic and the established educational and award system. Collectively, these form a creative community and cultural leaders, determining the content core of their functioning, the intentionality of the socio-cultural functioning of the region, preserving its uniqueness and “cultural sovereignty”. Using the prism of educational, enlightening and leisure activities, and the correlation of the functioning of national-cultural associations and creative unions, three stages are considered; a different stage for when the young republic had different leaders. It is demonstrated how a change in the socio-moral differentiation of priorities, due to a change in the course pursued by the institute of presidency, leads to certain “swings” in society, a violation of the parity of multicultural interests, and an imbalance in the spiritual consciousness of cultural elites. And it is proven that it is the personal involvement of the head of state, especially in a presidential republic, under the influence of internal political events, that influences the content core and accents in cultural policy, the pace of fulfillment of the designated tasks, and the degree of their implementation. A historiographical review of the cultural policy of Transnistria is presented, examining the identification of the main directions of development at the end of the 20th and the first quarter of the 21st centuries. The author uses promising methodological approaches to conducting cultural research based on a synthesis of practical, experimental methods and theoretical understanding of scientific results.
Formation of the Money Supply in the Russian Economy
Provotorova M.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The question of optimal monetary policy is one of the most controversial among economists in different countries of the world. The answer to this is largely determined by the way money is formed in the economy. According to modern macroeconomic concepts, money supply can be influenced by factors other than monetary policy. This article discusses the main theoretical approaches to determining the mechanisms of formation of the money supply. The main attention is paid to the post-Keynesian theory of endogenous money supply, within which the accommodation and structuralist approaches dominate. Both approaches are based on the premise that the money supply in the country is affected by changes in bank loans. However, they differ in the degree to which the monetary regulator satisfies the banks’ need for loans: full (accommodation) and partial (structuralism). The main source of money supply growth in the modern world is the credit channel, which is considered key from the standpoint of post-Keynesianism, but considering the Russian economy in retrospect, one cannot help but note two more important sources, such as the currency channel, which was of great importance in the 2000s, and the fiscal channel, which currently also plays an important role in changes in the money supply. Since 2013, the Central Bank has been actively using such a regulatory instrument as the key interest rate in its monetary policy, which is consistent with the position of post-Keynesianism. Using the conducted theoretical review, as well as an analysis of the current state of the Russian money market and monetary policy, it is concluded that there are prerequisites for the endogeneity of the Russian money supply, which provides grounds for further analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships of key macroeconomic indicators using econometric models.
On the Public Benefit of “Private Vices” or a View From the XVIII Century Through the Prism of a Dynamic Model of Economic Reproduction
Shmat V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The article presents the results of a study assessing the impact of economic freedom on economic growth and public welfare, which is based on a formalized theoretical representation of degrees of freedom in the form of a parabolic curve with an optimum and deviations from it. This notion of economic freedom echoes the vision of socially useful ‘private vices’ described in Bernard Mandeville’s “The Fable of the Bees”. The evaluation tool is a theoretical-analytical economic-mathematical model of economic reproduction, reflecting the dynamic process of production and distribution of a public product. Imitation of the development of the socio-economic system with different degrees of economic freedom and in conditions of institutional transformations leading to a change in the degree of freedom confirmed the expediency of striving for the optimum of freedom. At the same time, contradictions were revealed that arise in the simulated system due to the ambiguity of the interests of economic agents involved in the reproduction process. It also shows the contradictory nature of the institutional reforms themselves, which have far different consequences for different social strata with overall positive changes in the economy.
Conceptual Approaches, Methodological and Economic Tools for Assessing the Functioning and Development of the Urban Tourism Services Market
Shumkov V.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In the modern world, tourism, as an industry of interconnected sectors, influences the development of specific sectors of the economy and performs social and cultural functions. The article presents the author’s position, based on summaries of existing approaches and considering the paradigms of urbanization theory, that urban spaces today serve as a unifying sphere for various types of tourism, which are viewed as structural components of urban tourism. Based on the research fi ndings, the author provides a unique interpretation of the concepts ‘urban tourism’ and ‘urban tourism services market’, characterizing the urban tourism services market of Novosibirsk by highlighting various types of tourism resources – cultural-historical, architectural, infrastructural, etc.; the necessity for theoretical exploration of specific aspects of the urban tourism services market is argued. In particular, the possibility and necessity of implementing a conceptual economic model for assessing the current state and forecasting the development of the urban tourism services market based on the identification of basic factors of its functioning – demand potential and supply potential – are justified. The role of investment policy in the development of the urban tourism services market and the possibility of using cluster tools to activate demand and stimulate the sale of urban tourism services in the metropolis are outlined.
The Spirit of Capitalism Matters
Trubitsyn O.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Since the 19th century, one of the main areas of dispute in the framework of social philosophy concerns the role of spiritual factors, psychology and culture in the development of society in general and in the formation of capitalism in particular. To overcome disagreements, it is necessary to understand what is the real role of spiritual factors (the spirit of capitalism) in the formation and functioning of the system of rational capitalism. The initial methodological premise of the study is that a multifactorial approach to historical explanation is required, in particular to explain the phenomenon of the emergence of capitalism. The emergence of rational capitalism is not so much a manifestation of the iron law of history as the result of a unique constellation of social factors. Most of these factors are of a material (in the sociological sense of the word) nature. Nevertheless, we can confidently say that the formation of the spirit of capitalism was one of the necessary factors in the formation of a system of rational capitalism. The spirit of capitalism is a combination of culture, ideology and the prevailing psychological mood that motivate economic agents to act according to the principles of a market economy, to strive for enrichment, but not by any methods, but only those that contribute to the formation of a rational capitalist system, productive and capable of sustainable self-development. The spirit of capitalism does not exist initially and is not formed automatically by the capitalist system in the course of its functioning. In particular, its formation and maintenance require a certain ideological activity of the humanitarian intelligentsia.
Machine learning model for threat analysis in composite security architecture
Piletskaya A.V., Orlov S.P.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Digital Technology Security, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Currently, the number of cyber-attacks on various information systems is increasing. In this regard, the construction of composite security architecture is promising. Composite security architecture combines various methods and models into a single system. The modularity and flexibility of such architecture is especially effective in protecting distributed information systems. An important task is to study the potential impact of various threats on data integrity, the level of security, and ensuring secure inter-network interaction. The article analyzes various threat models. The application of machine learning based on the Isolation Forest algorithm is proposed. The STRIDE model is selected to illustrate the analysis of threats. A Python program has been developed to implement the Isolation Forest method to identify anomalies in data traffic. The results are presented in the form of graphs of the main parameters: number of requests, data volume, and response time. Silhouette Score model was used to assess the quality of training. The implementation of machine learning in combination with various security methods will help solve the problem of application architecture security and build an interchangeable modular structure.
Boundaries Between Private and Public as a Condition of Personal Autonomy
Chesnokova L.
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Ideas and Ideals, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The subject of this article is the phenomenon of the boundary between the private and public spheres. The research is based on a systematic approach that allows analyzing and combining individual aspects of the phenomenon under study, as well as methods of logical and historical analysis, hermeneutical and logical methods. The ratio of public and private spheres has now become the subject of consideration of a number of social sciences and humanities. If the public sphere is fundamentally transparent and open to everyone, then privacy, on the contrary, is connoted with darkness, opacity, mystery. A person as a social being is characterized by the need for both public and private space. The boundaries between public and private space can be both material (doors, walls) and immaterial (laws, traditions, social norms). It is noted that these boundaries are not static, they change in space and time, depend on culture, generation and social stratum. Socially constructed boundaries of privacy are formed on the basis of existing ideas in this society about the degree of personal inviolability. What a person is allowed to demonstrate and see is subject to public expectations. Different ideas about personal boundaries can lead to cross-cultural confl ict. It is argued that borders protect the right to privacy associated with tact, voluntary refusal to interfere in the personal affairs of another person. The observance of social distance constitutes personal freedom in both public and private space. Deprivation of privacy humiliates human dignity. Therefore, the right to private space, the ability to defend and protect personal boundaries is a necessary prerequisite for personal freedom and autonomy.
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