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Engineering Exchanges: Community-Based Engineering in London, UK
Bell S., Johnson C., Austen K., Moore G., Teh T.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter presents the Engineering Exchange at University College London (UCL), through the lens of knowledge democracy, as an initiative to enable engineering researchers and students to work directly in service of local communities who otherwise would not have access to engineering expertise. The chapter begins with a reflection on the role of engineering in supporting knowledge democracy. It then describes the origins and structure of the Engineering Exchange, which operated from 2014 to 2019. Three modes of working with communities evolved through the programme—community as client, contributor, and collaborator. Examples of community-based projects involving engineering students in this research-led programme provide a link between service learning and inquiry-led learning in engineering education. The chapter concludes with reflections on the implications of an expanded conception of the role of engineers within knowledge democracy for engineering education, whilst considering the connection between justice, engineering, health, and sustainability.
Unpacking Sustainability: The Case of Agriculture
Kadetz P.I.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
A fundamental issue in the field of sustainability is the way it is defined. The normative definition of sustainability, which first appeared in the UN’s 1987 Brundtland Commission report, establishes an overriding anthropocentric focus, emphasizing human sustainability to the detriment of environmental and planetary sustainability. Sustainable agriculture offers a case example of the clash between the anthropocentric concerns of unlimited economic growth and the limits of the environment. This chapter will examine the complex factors that render modern agribusiness environmentally unsustainable and offer alternative approaches to achieve sustainability.
‘Wholing’ Health
Kadetz P.I.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Simple systems thinking examines phenomena as if in a closed box, with independent variables that behave in a unilinear, unidirectional, and predictable manner. However, such an approach can neither approximate nor fully explain natural and social processes. Whereas complex adaptive systems, which are open, multidirectional, and can account for the emergence of new variables are a far more accurate approximation of the behaviour of phenomena in nature and human societies. Approaching interventions as complex adaptive systems can help engineers better understand the entirety (or whole) of the factors involved in any intervention and thereby plan more successful interventions with fewer unintended and deleterious outcomes. This chapter explores the importance of wholism and its applications as viewed through a lens of health.
Our Order of Knowledge: Disciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity, and Beyond
Kadetz P.I.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter examines the development of disciplinarity as an outcome of Western order and binary logic and how this has resulted in reductive thinking and disciplinary specialization. Such specialization can thwart the ability of engineers and other practitioners to redress complex challenges that require an understanding beyond reductive simple systems thinking. Transdisciplinarity offers an approach to work beyond siloed knowledge to comprehend and intervene with complex challenges from across a full spectrum of ways of understanding. Learning to listen and work with local knowledge through assets-based approaches, such as Positive Deviance, further supports transdisciplinarity and can foster the most appropriate engineering interventions for any given context.
Epilogue: Transforming Consciousness by Rediscovering Whole Thinking
Kadetz P.I., Baillie C.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The chapters in this volume have argued for a shift in engineering education and praxis. The changes sought are transformative and ultimately will support a shift in consciousness. We can advance along this journey by first looking back to the future. Historical shifts in the organisation of labour – from the craftsperson to the assembly line specialist – provide an understanding of how economic systems have influenced knowledge, education, and hierarchies of power. Ultimately, the goal of this book is to reimagine ways we can work together for a more healthy, sustainable, and just, professional practise and education.
Introduction to the Book
Baillie C., Kadetz P.I.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
In this introductory chapter, we shine a critical lens on engineering and its associated educational practice—particularly how it has changed in recent decades—to help engineers and engineering students consider the potential social and environmental impacts of their work across every sector and area of society. This volume prepares the pathway for consideration of what a radical reimagining of engineering education might look like.
Meredith M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter argues that the greatest role the university can play towards social justice lies in its knowledge work. This means examining the knowledge and knowers considered legitimate by universities and challenging the assumptions, worldviews and interests that tend to underpin academic knowledge. The chapter examines the theories of justice developed by John Rawls, Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum and their relevance to universities. It considers how the knowledge goods offered by higher education can promote greater justice through enabling students and communities to develop in ways that affirm their identities and particular contributions to society. The chapter introduces the two main theoretical frameworks underpinning the book as, first, Fricker’s work on epistemic injustice, and second, the work of post- and de-colonial theorists who consider the colonisation and decolonisation of ways of knowing.
Art, Prejudice and Privilege: Disciplinary Elitism, Students from Working-Class Communities and Epistemic Justice
Corby V.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter illuminates the challenges of studying art at university for students from poor and working-class communities. In the UK, art is simultaneously perceived as a cultural enhancement in the service of the elite, and a skills-based discipline unworthy of an honours degree. This combination of privilege and prejudice is toxic for undergraduates from lower socio-economic backgrounds. At university, contextual studies curricula seek to correct the misapprehension of art’s non-academic standing by inculcating students into highly complex conceptual discourses. Young people from disadvantaged communities in the UK are unprepared for this new pedagogical environment because they have been steered towards art by an education system that writes both them and art off as academically lacking. This chapter critiques the way in which discourses on art construct a deficit of credibility for class by mobilising examples of contemporary practice in conjunction with the relational pedagogical strategy devised for York St John University’s Contextual Studies programme, whose pedagogical approach introduces students to the history of art while drawing on what that they bring to campus. This enables them to build the epistemic confidence to produce creative outputs that voice the felt experience of class in a space where they know it will be heard and valued.
Hermeneutical Justice in an International Erasmus Mundus Research Project
Quiroz-Niño C., Meredith M., Villafuerte Pezo A.M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
International research collaborations can base their research focus, questions and interpretations of the issue on Western assumptions of knowledge. This can delegitimise the potential contributions of some project partners and silence their interpretations of the issue. International projects can therefore be spaces of what Fricker calls ‘hermeneutical injustice’. This chapter uses Quijano’s work on coloniality to identify enduring patterns of power that inform and shape frames of reference, culture and knowledge production in the colonised regions of the world. It argues that research collaborations should be based upon the recognition, understanding, and exchange of knowledges and interpretations of concepts and realities in multiple directions and dimensions. They should be based upon the justice of equality between people in their capacity as knowers and knowledge creators. To exemplify these issues, the chapter describes and explains practices in an Erasmus Mundus project. It reflects on and analyses the approaches adopted in the project to promote epistemic justice.
Knowledge in the University
Meredith M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter argues that technical forms of knowledge, such as those in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, are favoured in policy discourses to the extent that other ways of knowing are being delegitimised. The chapter examines the reasons for this trend and argues that it amounts to epistemic injustice and a potential loss to humanity, as ways of knowing that can enrich the human experience are increasingly considered irrelevant. Using Habermas’s theory of the interests driving knowledge, it examines knowledge in the university and argues for a central place for interpretative and praxis-driven knowledge, alongside the technical.
Epistemic Justice and Authentic Assessment
McArthur J.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Assessment for social justice seeks to explore the ways in which our assessment practices reflect and nurture broader principles of social justice. In this chapter, I explore the specific aspects of epistemic justice that we should consider when reflecting on our assessment practices and assumptions in more detail. Assessment for social justice and epistemic justice are also closely linked to the need for a radical rethinking of what is meant by the now common term ‘authentic assessment’. This chapter employs three epistemic scholars to demonstrate the ways in which this essential epistemic aspect can be brought into discussion with new understandings of authentic assessment. To this end, I discuss the decolonial work of Santos to help orientate assessment into a broader social context. Using Bernstein’s work on knowledge in higher education, I then consider the ways in which assessment should be attuned to the knowledge it seeks to evaluate. Finally, through Fricker’s work on epistemic justice, I explore how this can provide an initial foundation for genuinely transformative assessment change by helping us to understand how injustice occurs.
Approaches to Epistemic Justice
Meredith M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The word ‘epistemology’ tends to be little used by English speakers. This chapter argues that consideration of epistemology, or ways of knowing, is fundamental to our understanding of inclusion and exclusion in the social world. It touches upon a central core of our shared humanity. It is therefore fundamental to social justice and should be a central focus of universities and academics as knowledge workers. This chapter considers the idea of epistemic justice from the literatures, drawing on two main knowledge traditions: first, the virtue ethics of Miranda Fricker, who identifies how people can experience injustice in their capacity as knowers and, second, the work on ‘cognitive justice’ from post- and de-colonial theorists.
Conclusion Knowing Better: The Challenge for Universities
Meredith M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter summarises the main contributions of the book: first, that epistemic justice is fundamental to social justice; second, in offering critical insights for others working towards epistemic justice; and third, in exemplifying how academics have worked towards epistemic justice in a range of disciplinary, geographical and cultural contexts. It concludes by presenting a challenge for leaders in the sector to address epistemic marginalisation and to consider how their institution reflects and works with all communities in its hinterland. It advocates strategic consideration of how teaching and research processes can support these communities to identify and meet their own important interests and objectives. Finally, it calls for a shift from excessive bureaucratic management to courageous and just leadership.
What and Who Is the University for?
Meredith M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2024, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
There is no simple agreement about the purpose of the university and the benefits it brings to society. Lack of democratic debate about such purposes, and the values that inform them, can mean that taken-for-granted assumptions and ideologies, such as the overriding importance of business and economic factors, remain unchallenged and so existing arrangements are reinforced. This chapter considers different ideas of the purposes of the university from the perspective of policy and political discourses. In each case, the idea is examined to understand whose interests it might represent, how these interests position the student, and what they tell us about the underpinning assumptions of knowledge and justice. It then uses work on recognition and difference by Iris Marion Young (2011) and Axel Honneth (1996) to develop a model of the university as a public sphere, which relates the recognition of difference in students and diverse perspectives on knowledge to epistemic justice.
In Search of Student Time: Student Temporality and the Future University
Bengtsen S.S., Sarauw L.L., Filippakou O.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The Covid-19 pandemic is a challenge to the universities’ organisation in time and space, but do we actually want to return to the functional and linear temporality that characterised the pre-pandemic university?
Education as Promise: Learning from Hannah Arendt
Nixon J.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The ‘university becoming’ will need to question not only the increasingly undemocratic and illiberal societies within which it operates but also its own sense of purposefulness. The literature within the field of higher education has been good at challenging neoliberalism: its anti-public sector and pro-private sector policies and the impact of that policy orientation – coupled with post 2008 economic austerity measures leading to escalating levels of inequality – on higher education and society at large. But it has been less good at catching up with analysing and critiquing the post-neoliberal, nationalist and protectionist policies associated with the new authoritarianism establishing itself within old and aspiring democracies across Europe. This new authoritarianism plays fast and loose with the truth, relies on spectacle and nostalgic rhetoric, manipulates the supposed ‘free’ press and is fronted by charismatic (and often hopelessly ineffectual) leadership.
A Kantian Perspective on Integrity as an Aim of Student Being and Becoming
Batchelor D.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
What special insights might Kant’s Formula of Humanity bring to bear on integrity as an aim of student being and becoming in higher education? I suggest that the ways in which the Formula elucidates the concept have the potential to inform our understanding of student formation, by probing the nature of personhood, informing criteria for thinking about and acting well towards oneself and others, clarifying the grounds for assigning value, determining the extent and use of personal freedom and assessing the centrality of a rational nature.
Coda: Perpetuum Mobile
Barnett R.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
‘The university becoming’ – what a perplexing idea; and yet what a brave idea, especially at this time. After all, becoming is both real and imaginative; both fact and value; both a description and a hope. Becoming suggests a journey on the way to realizing an entity’s true being, becoming itself fully, realising its full potential. There is the university, changing before our eyes, and despite the travails that it has been encountering, somehow it is finding the resources, the will, and the space in the world to become itself; to achieve what always lay within itself. There are the facts of the matter and there is value, much value, that we impute to the university now becoming itself.
The Philosophy of Higher Education: Forks, Branches and Openings
Barnett R.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
The main title of this book is ‘The University Becoming’. It is an intriguing title. ‘Becoming’ is a philosophical concept, and the university has been an object of philosophical study for over two hundred years, but the idea of ‘the university becoming’ has only recently emerged in the literature. That idea and its inquiry began to take off in a serious fashion in the 1980s and 1990s as part of the recent emergence of the philosophy of higher education as a field of study, and that field is now flourishing. The field has split into two main trunks, as it were, concerning separately the ideas of ‘university’ and ‘higher education’, with a number of branches opening out.
How Might the (Social Sciences) PhD Play a Role in Addressing Global Challenges?
McAlpine L.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
Increasingly, the PhD is perceived as needing change. Yet, a review of efforts at such ‘reform’ suggests limited impact. This realization led me to seek a novel way to rethink the PhD. So, I addressed what to me is particularly challenging—what practice(s) could actually realize a re-visioned PhD. I created a structured thought experiment to tackle a global challenge, the climate crisis, which I did alone and then with others. Being a social scientist, I started with the factors influencing effective response to this crisis, as representative of efforts at social/societal change more broadly. After reflecting on the outcomes of the exercise which proved productive, I argue that if we, as researchers, want to reform the PhD, we would benefit from thinking more broadly about the nature of social science research, in fact, conceive of the PhD and our own work as encompassing solution-oriented inquiry. We would also expand and deepen our interactions with those beyond our own disciplinary colleagues: not just researchers in other disciplines, but those in other labour sectors and civil society—this whether the research/PhD goal is to address the climate crisis, other sustainability issues, or other meaningful goals.
Resituating the PhD: Towards an Ecological Adeptness
Barnett R.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
Ever since the dawn of its modern history at the start of the twentieth century, the PhD has undergone change as attempts are made to align it to felt needs of its times. And now, it may plausibly be suggested, the twenty-first century is presenting massive challenges which the PhD - in its present format - is entirely unable to address. A new framework is due, therefore, so as to resituate the PhD. Suggested here is an ecological approach, ‘ecological’ being extended beyond its customary associations with the natural environment, and seized upon for its suggestions of interconnectedness, systems, fragility, sustainability and humanity’s responsibilities for the world. This new PhD would be a trans-disciplinary voyage of discovery, a wisdom-doctorate, synoptic and far-reaching, of societal and even global value, and yielding moments of large insight as well as personal self-discovery on the part of the student. Such a programme calls for personal maturity on the part of candidates but it calls also for nimble footwork on the part of institutions, as they allow the student to draw on resources from beyond his/her discipline. The institution, the PhD programme, the supervisor(s) and the student would all become ecologically adept.
The Contribution to Climate Change Research of the Professional Doctorate and PhD: More of the Same but of a Different Flavour?
Gibbs P.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter proposes that the professional doctorate and the doctor of philosophy are the same in genus but differ in the way in which they contribute to the study of climate change. It is argued from a position that, given the changes in doctoral forms since 2005, there is no epistemological or educational reason to distinguish by some notion of importance or quality between professional doctorates under the rubric of Aristotelian notion of Gnosis nor from the perspective of the complexity of expertise, capabilities and transferable skills. In this they are the same but different. I will, however, suggest that there are subtle differences that do exist in the two approaches based on praxis and poiesis that might support different research agendas in terms of the climate crisis.
Character, Corruption, and ‘Cultures of Speed’ in Higher Education
Kidd I.J.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 3, doi.org, Abstract
This chapter offers a character-based criticism of ‘the culture of speed’ condemned by the Canadian literary scholars, Maggie Berg and Barbara Seeber in their influential polemic, The Slow Professor. Central to their criticisms of speed and praise of slowness are, I argue, substantive concerns about their effects on moral and intellectual character. I argue that a full reckoning of the wrongs of academic cultures of speed must include appreciation of the ways they promote a host of accelerative vices and failings while also impeding exercise of a range of the virtues vital to enactment of our core academic commitments to teaching, scholarship, and collegiality.
Cultivating Curiosity at University: How Universities Fall Short of Aspiration
Watson L.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 0, doi.org, Abstract
Universities often purport to value and promote traits such as curiosity, inquisitiveness, a questioning mind, and a love of knowledge. Indeed, searching through university websites and strategic reports, it is hard to find a university that fails to mention the value it places on curiosity, discovery or the pursuit of knowledge. This is hardly surprising. Universities old and new are principally places of learning and they are proud of this. But what are universities actually doing to promote and cultivate the ‘curious spirit of inquiry’ that they proudly and openly prize? Despite their laudable aspirations, do universities succeed in cultivating curiosity? This is the question I address in this paper. The answer is a resounding ‘could do better’. Beginning with a brief characterisation of curiosity as an intellectual virtue, I argue that universities do little to intentionally cultivate virtuous curiosity. I focus on the student experience and argue that, while students may have their curiosity stimulated at university, they are rarely intentionally enabled or incentivized to develop, practice, or refine virtuous curiosity. In fact, a combination of common teaching and assessment practices in universities presents a barrier to the cultivation of virtuous curiosity in students. Given this, it is difficult to see what contemporary universities are doing to achieve their stated aspirations in this regard.
Early Career Anxieties in the University: The Crisis of Institutional Bad Faith
Brady A.M.
Springer Nature
Academic Citizenship, Identity, Knowledge, and Vulnerability, 2021, цитирований: 1, doi.org, Abstract
The issue of casualisation in universities has received much attention in recent years, with strike action across the UK highlighting the extent of the issue in the sector. In this chapter, I look at the situation in Irish universities, paying particular attention to the anxieties that confront early career staff. Whilst wider neoliberal trends in employment practices has no doubt played a key role in the changing nature of the Irish university, this chapter intends to look at the issue from a slightly different angle. Ultimately, I argue that the crisis of casualisation is a crisis of bad faith, a term most closely associated with the French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre. Whilst it is useful to explore Sartre’s discussion of the individual’s role in relation to bad faith, this nevertheless fails to account for the institutional context in which casual academics now work. In response to this, I aim to show how bad faith is encouraged by the institution, who in turn profit from their employees becoming like ‘things-in-themselves’, and with the unguaranteed promise of a more authentic life in the future, those employees then serve – and become subservient to – the institution itself.
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